Dr.-Ing. Thomas Wild

Akad. Direktor

Technische Universität München
TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
Lehrstuhl für Integrierte Systeme
Arcisstr. 21
80333 München

Tel.: +
Fax: +
Gebäude: N1 (Theresienstr. 90)
Raum: N2136
Email: thomas.wild@tum.de



  • Manycore system on chip (SoC) architectures
  • Network processor (NPU) architectures
  • On-chip communication architectures, networks on chip (NoC)
  • System level design methodologies
  • Design space exploration

Other Responsibilities

I am also EUROPRACTICE representative of TU München (city campus). EUROPRACTICE is a European initiative to stimulate the wider exploitation of state-of-the-art microelectronics technologies. Via the EUROPRACTICE software service, commercial EDA tools are made available for teaching and research at a university-compatible price. More information can be found here.

Prospective participants from the TU München city campus should get into contact with me. (Please note, the TUM Garching campus has a separate EUROPRACTICE membership, which is administered at the Physics Department.)



  • Anmol Prakash Surhonne, Haitham S. Fawzi, Florian Maurer, Oliver Lenke, Michael Meidinger, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: EPIC-Q : Equivalent-Policy Invariant Comparison enhanced transfer Q-learning for run-time SoC performance-power optimization. International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation 2024, 2024 mehr… BibTeX
  • Anmol Surhonne, Manuel Wensauer, Florian Maurer, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: XCS with dynamic sized experience replay for memory constrained applications. Genetic and Evolutionary Computing Conference (GECCO), 2024 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Florian Maurer, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: Experiencing Self-Aware MPSoC Run-Time Optimization with Autonomous Bots. SelPhyS 2024, 2024 mehr… BibTeX
  • Franz Biersack, Marco Liess, Markus Absmann, Fabiana Lotter, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: ecoNIC: Saving Energy through SmartNIC-based Load Balancing of Mixed-Critical Ethernet Traffic. 27th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD) 2024, 2024 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Klajd Zyla, Marco Liess, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: FlexRoute: A Fast, Flexible and Priority-Aware Packet-Processing Design. 32nd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing (PDP 2024), 2024 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Klajd Zyla, Marco Liess, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: FlexCross: High-Speed and Flexible Packet Processing via a Crosspoint-Queued Crossbar. 27th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD) 2024, 2024 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Lars Nolte, Tim Twardzik, Camille Jalier, Jiyuan Shi, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: HW-EPOLL: Hardware-Assisted User Space Event Notification for Epoll Syscall. International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation 2024, 2024 mehr… BibTeX
  • Lars Nolte, Tim Twardzik, Camille Jalier, Jiyuan Shi, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: POSTER: Hardware Assist for Linux IPC on an FPGA Platform. 21st ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers, 2024 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Maurer, Florian; Meidinger, Michael; Lu, Yiming; Hallermeier, Thomas; Surhonne, Anmol; Wild, Thomas; Herkersdorf, Andreas: QoS-Aware Dynamic Frequency Scaling for Mixed-Critical Systems based on Shielded Reinforcement Learning. 2024 IEEE Nordic Circuits and Systems Conference (NorCAS), IEEE, 2024, 1-6 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Patrick Schmidt, Iuliia Topko, Matthias Stammler, Tanja Harbaum, Juergen Becker, Rico Berner, Omar Ahmed, Jakub Jagielski, Thomas Seidler, Markus Abel, Marius Kreutzer, Maximilian Kirschner, Victor Pazmino, Robin Sehm, Lukas Groth, Andrija Neskovic, Rolf Meyer, Saleh Mulhem, Mladen Berekovic, Matthias Probst, Manuel Brosch, Georg Sigl, Thomas Wild, Matthias Ernst, Andreas Herkersdorf, Florian Aigner, Stefan Hommes, Sebastian Lauer, Maximilian Seidler, Thomas Raste, Gasper Bozic, Ibai Irigoyen Ceberio, Muhammad Hassan, Albrecht Mayer: EMDRIVE Architecture: Embedded Computing And Diagnostics From Sensor To Edge. DATE 2024 - Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference, 2024 mehr… BibTeX
  • Tim Twardzik, Lars Nolte, Camille Jalier, Jiyuan Shi, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: HASIIL: Hardware-Assisted Scheduling to Improve IPC Latency in Linux. 21st ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers, 2024 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )


  • Anmol Prakash Surhonne, Florian Maurer, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: LCT-TL: Learning Classifier Table (LCT) with Transfer Learning for run-time SoC performance-power optimization. 16th IEEE International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core Systems-on-Chip (MCSoC 2023), 2023 mehr… BibTeX
  • Anmol Prakash Surhonne, Florian Maurer, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: LCT-DER: Learning Classifier Table with Dynamic-sized Experience Replay for run-time SoC performance-power optimization. The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), 2023 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Franz Biersack, Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe, Thomas Wild, Georg Carle, Andreas Herkersdorf: Priority-aware Inter-Server Receive Side Scaling. 31st Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, 2023 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Klajd Zyla, Florian Maurer, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: CoLeCTs: Cooperative Learning Classifier Tables for Resource Management in MPSoCs. 36th GI/ITG International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems, 2023 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Klajd Zyla, Marco Liess, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: FlexPipe: Fast, Flexible and Scalable Packet Processing for High-Performance SmartNICs. 31st IFIP/IEEE Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC 2023), 2023 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Lars Nolte, Tim Twardzik, Camille Jalier, Zhigang Huang, Jiyuan Shi, Clara Kowalsky, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: HAWEN: Hardware Accelerator for Thread Wake-Ups in Linux Event Notification. 2023 60th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2023 mehr… BibTeX
  • Lars Nolte, Tim Twardzik, Camille Jalier, Zhigang Huang, Jiyuan Shi, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: HW-FUTEX: Hardware-Assisted Futex Syscall. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems, 2023 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Marco Liess, Julian Demicoli, Tobias Tiedje, Matthias Lohrmann, Matthias Nickel, Marco Luniak, Dimitris Prousalis, Thomas Wild, Ronald Tetzlaff, Diana Göhringer, Christian Mayr, Karlheinz Bock, Sebastian Steinhorst, Andreas Herkersdorf: X-MAPE: Extending 6G-connected Self-adaptive Systems with Reflexive Actions. 2023 IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (NFV-SDN), 2023 mehr… BibTeX


  • Anmol Prakash Surhonne, Nguyen Anh Vu Doan, Florian Maurer, Thomas Wild, and Andreas Herkersdorf: GAE-LCT: A Run-Time GA-Based Classifier Evolution Method for Hardware LCT Controlled SoC Performance-Power Optimization. Architecture of Computing Systems, 2022 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Jörg Henkel, Andreas Herkersdorf, Heba Khdr, Martin Rapp, Mark Sagi, Mohammed Bakr Sikal, Thomas Wild: Power-Efficient Invasive Loosely-Coupled MPSoCs. In: Invasive Computing. FAU University Press, Universitätsstraße 4, 91054 Erlangen, 2022 mehr… BibTeX
  • Jürgen Becker, Andreas Herkersdorf, Nidhi Anantharajaiah, Oliver Lenke, Akshay Srivatsa, Thomas Wild: Invasive NoCs and Memory Hierarchies for Run-Time Adaptive MPSoCs. In: Invasive Computing. FAU University Press, Universitätsstraße 4, 91054 Erlangen, 2022 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Jürgen Becker, Frank Hannig, Thomas Wild, Marcel Brand, Oliver Lenke, Fabian Lesniak: Validation and Demonstrator. In: Invasive Computing. FAU University Press, Universitätsstraße 4, 91054 Erlangen, 2022 mehr… BibTeX
  • Kilian Holzinger, Franz Biersack, Henning Stubbe, Angela Gonzalez Mariño, Abdoul Kane, Francesc Fons, Zhang Haigang, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf, Georg Carle: SmartNIC-based Load Management and Network Health Monitoring for Time Sensitive Applications. IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS ITAVT Workshop) , 2022 mehr… BibTeX
  • Lars Nolte, Tim Twardzik, Camille Jalier, Zhigang Huang, Jiyuan Shi, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: GLS Tracing: Gem5-based Low-intrusive Software Tracing. 2022 IEEE Nordic Circuits and Systems Conference (NorCAS), 2022 mehr… BibTeX
  • Mark Sagi, Nguyen Anh Vu Doan, Nael Fasfous, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: Fine-Grained Power Modeling of Multicore Processors using FFNNs. International Journal of Parallel Programming (IJPP), 2022 mehr… BibTeX


  • Akshay Srivatsa, Nael Fasfous, Nguyen Anh Vu Doan, Sebastian Nagel, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: Exploring a Hybrid Voting-based Eviction Policy for Caches and Sparse Directories on Manycore Architectures. Microprocessors and Microsystems, 2021 mehr… BibTeX
  • Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe, Franz Biersack, Angela Gonzalez Mariño, Abdoul Kane, Francisco Lluis Fons, Zhang Haigang, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf, Georg Carle: Poster: Precise Real-Time Monitoring of Time-Critical Flows. The 17th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT ’21) , 2021 mehr… BibTeX
  • Mark Sagi, Martin Rapp, Heba Khdr, Yizhe Zhang, Nael Fasfous, Nguyen Anh Vu Doan, Thomas Wild, Jörg Henkel, Andreas Herkersdorf: Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network-based Power Forecasting of Multi-Core Processors. 2021 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE) , 2021 mehr… BibTeX
  • Max Koenen, Nguyen Anh Vu Doan, Thomas Wild, and Andreas Herkersdorf: Protection switching schemes and mapping strategies for fail-operational hard real-time NoCs. Microprocessors and Microsystems 87, 2021 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Oliver Lenke, Richard Petri, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: PEPERONI: Pre-Estimating the Performance of Near-Memory Integration. MEMSYS'21: The International Symposium on Memory Systems, 2021 mehr… BibTeX
  • Sven Rheindt, Akshay Srivatsa, Oliver Lenke, Lars Nolte, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: Tackling the MPSoC Data Locality Challenge – Part 2 / Chapter 5. In: Multi-Processor System-on-Chip 1. Wiley Online Library, 2021, 87-114 mehr… BibTeX
  • Victor M. van Santen, Hussam Amrouch, Thomas Wild, Jörg Henkel, Andreas Herkersdorf: Thermal Management and Communication Virtualization for Reliability Optimization in MPSoCs. In: Dependable Embedded Systems . Springer, 2021, pp 181-205 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )


  • Akshay Srivatsa, Mostafa Mansour, Sven Rheindt, Dirk Gabriel, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: DynaCo: Dynamic Coherence Management for Tiled Manycore Architectures. International Journal of Parallel Programming, 2020 mehr… BibTeX
  • Akshay Srivatsa, Sebastian Nagel, Nael Fasfous, Nguyen Anh Vu Doan, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: HyVE: A Hybrid Voting-based Eviction Policy for Caches. IEEE Nordic Circuits and Systems Conference (NorCAS 2020), 2020 mehr… BibTeX
  • Andreas Oeldemann, Franz Biersack, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: Inter-Server RSS: Extending Receive Side Scaling for Inter-Server Workload Distribution. 28th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing, 2020 mehr… BibTeX
  • Mark Sagi, Nguyen Anh Vu Doan, Martin Rapp, Thomas Wild, Jörg Henkel, Andreas Herkersdorf: A Lightweight Nonlinear Methodology to Accurately Model Multi-Core Processor Power. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2020 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Mark Sagi, Nguyen Anh Vu Doan, Nael Fasfous, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: Fine-Grained Power Modeling of Multicore Processors using FFNNs. International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation (SAMOS XX), 2020 mehr… BibTeX
  • Max Koenen, Nguyen Anh Vu Doan, Thomas Wild, and Andreas Herkersdorf: Exploring Task and Channel Mapping Strategies in Fail-Operational and Hard Real-Time NoCs. IEEE Nordic Circuits and Systems Conference (NorCAS 2020), 2020 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Nguyen Anh Vu Doan, Akshay Srivatsa, Nael Fasfous, Sebastian Nagel, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: On-Chip Democracy: A Study on the Use of Voting Systems for Computer Cache Memory Management. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 2020 mehr… BibTeX
  • Sven Rheindt, Andreas Fried, Oliver Lenke, Lars Nolte, Temur Sabirov, Tim Twardzik, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: X-CEL: A Method to Estimate Near-Memory Acceleration Potential in Tile-based MPSoCs. ARCS 2020 - 33rd International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems, 2020 mehr… BibTeX
  • Sven Rheindt, Sebastian Maier, Nora Pohle, Lars Nolte, Oliver Lenke, Florian Schmaus, Thomas Wild, Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat, Andreas Herkersdorf: DySHARQ: Dynamic Software-Defined Hardware-Managed Queues for Tile-Based Architectures. International Journal of Parallel Programming, 2020 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Sven Rheindt, Temur Sabirov, Oliver Lenke, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: X-Centric: A Survey on Compute-, Memory- and Application-Centric Computer Architectures. MEMSYS'20: The International Symposium on Memory Systems , 2020 mehr… BibTeX
  • Yong Hu, Marcel Mettler, Daniel Mueller-Gritschneder, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf, Ulf Schlichtmann: Machine Learning Approaches for Efficient Design Space Exploration of Application-specific NoCs. ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES), 2020 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )


  • Akshay Srivatsa, Sven Rheindt, Dirk Gabriel, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: CoD: Coherence-on-Demand - Runtime Adaptable Working Set Coherence for DSM-based Manycore Architectures. International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS XIX) , 2019 mehr… BibTeX
  • Dominik Scholz, Andreas Oeldemann, Fabien Geyer, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Henning Stubbe, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf, Georg Carle: Cryptographic Hashing in P4 Data Planes. 2nd P4 Workshop in Europe (EUROP4), 2019 mehr… BibTeX
  • Mark Sagi, Nguyen Anh Vu Doan, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: Multicore Power Estimation using Independent Component Analysis based Modeling. IEEE 13th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core Systems-on-Chip (IEEE MCSoC-2019), 2019 mehr… BibTeX
  • Max Koenen, Nguyen Anh Vu Doan, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: Channel Mapping Strategies for Effective Protection Switching in Fail-Operational Hard Real-Time NoCs. Proceedings of the 13th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip (NOCS), 2019 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Max Koenen, Nguyen Anh Vu Doan, Thomas Wild, and Andreas Herkersdorf: A Hybrid NoC Enabling Fail-Operational and Hard Real-Time Communication in MPSoC. ARCS Konferenz, 2019 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Michael Vonbun, Adrian Schiechel, Nguyen Anh Vu Doan, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: APEC: Improved Acknowledgement Prioritization through Erasure Coding in Bufferless NoCs. 13th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip (NOCS 2019), 2019 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Michael Vonbun, Nguyen Anh Vu Doan, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: Network Coding in Networks-on-Chip with Lossy Links. ARCS Konferenz, 2019 mehr… BibTeX
  • Nguyen Anh Vu Doan, Max Koenen, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: Multi-Objective Optimization of Channel Mapping for Fail-Operational Hybrid TDM NoCs. 2019 Seventh International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDARW), 2019 mehr… BibTeX
  • Rambo, Eberle A.; Kadeed, Thawra; Ernst, Rolf; Seo, Minjun; Kurdahi, Fadi; Donyanavard, Bryan; de Melo, Caio Batista; Maity, Biswadip; Moazzemi, Kasra; Stewart, Kenneth; Yi, Saehanseul; Rahmani, Amir M.; Dutt, Nikil; Maurer, Florian; Doan, Nguyen Anh Vu; Surhonne, Anmol; Wild, Thomas; Herkersdorf, Andreas: The Information Processing Factory: A Paradigm for Life Cycle Management of Dependable Systems. ESweek, 2019 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Sven Rheindt, Andreas Fried, Oliver Lenke, Lars Nolte, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: NEMESYS: Near-Memory Graph Copy Enhanced System-Software. MEMSYS 19: The International Symposium on Memory Systems, 2019 mehr… BibTeX
  • Sven Rheindt, Sebastian Maier, Florian Schmaus, Thomas Wild, Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat, Andreas Herkersdorf: SHARQ: Software-Defined Hardware-Managed Queues for Tile-Based Manycore Architectures. International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS XIX), 2019 mehr… BibTeX
  • Thomas Goldbrunner, Nguyen Anh Vu Doan, Diogo Poças, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: Register Requirement Minimization of Fixed-Depth Pipelines for Streaming Data Applications. 2019 32nd IEEE International System-on-Chip Conference (SOCC), 2019 mehr… BibTeX


  • Mischa Möstl, Johannes Schlatow, Rolf Ernst, Nikil Dutt, Ahmed Nassar, Amir Rahmani, Fadi J. Kurdahi, Thomas Wild, Armin Sadighi, Andreas Herkersdorf: Platform-Centric Self-Awareness as a Key Enabler for Controlling Changes in CPS. IEEE, 2018 Proceedings of the IEEE mehr… BibTeX
  • Andreas Oeldemann, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: FlueNT10G: A Programmable FPGA-based Network Tester for Multi-10-Gigabit Ethernet. International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), 2018 mehr… BibTeX
  • Armin Sadighi, Bryan Donyanavard, Thawra Kadeed, Kasra Moazzemi, Tiago Mück, Ahmed Nassar, Amir M. Rahmani, Thomas Wild, Nikil Dutt, Rolf Ernst, Andreas Herkersdorf, Fadi Kurdahi: Design methodologies for enabling self-awareness in autonomous systems. 2018 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), IEEE, 2018 mehr… BibTeX
  • Armin Sadighi, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: Self-Aware MPSoC Architecture Extensions for Automotive Applications. In: Organic Computing. Kassel University Press GmbH, 2018 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Shiva Shanka Subramanian, Lin PinXing, Andreas Herkersdorf, Thomas Wild: BiSME: A Hardware Coprocessor to Perform Signature Matching at Multi-Gigabit Rates. Application-Specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP) , 2018 mehr… BibTeX
  • Shiva Shankar Subramanian, PinXing Lin, Andreas Herkersdorf, Thomas Wild: Bitmaps & Bitmasks: Efficient Tools to Compress Deterministic Automata. Australian Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy Vol 6 (No 3), 2018 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Sven Rheindt, Andreas Schenk, Akshay Srivatsa, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: CaCAO: Complex and Compositional Atomic Operations for NoC-based Manycore Platforms. ARCS 2018 - 31st International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems, 2018 mehr… BibTeX
  • Thomas Goldbrunner, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: Memory Access Pattern Profiling for Streaming Applications Based on MATLAB Models. 28th International Symposium on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS), 2018 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )


  • Akshay Srivatsa, Sven Rheindt, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: Region Based Cache Coherence for Tiled MPSoCs. 2017 30th IEEE International System-on-Chip Conference (SOCC), 2017 mehr… BibTeX
  • Andreas Oeldemann, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: Reducing Data Center Resource Over-Provisioning Through Dynamic Load Management for Virtualized Network Functions. International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems, 2017 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Aurang Zaib, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf, Jan Heisswolf, Jürgen Becker, Andreas Weichslgartner, Jürgen Teich: Efficient Task Spawning for Shared Memory and Message Passing in Many-core Architectures. Journal of Systems Architecture, 2017 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Ihsen Alouani, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf, Smail Niar: Adaptive Reliability for Fault Tolerant Multicore Systems. Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD) 2017 , 2017 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Lin Li, Philipp Wagner, Albrecht Mayer, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: A Non-Intrusive Spinlock Profiler for Embedded Multicore Systems. DATE, 2017 mehr… BibTeX
  • Philipp Wagner, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: DiaSys: Improving SoC insight through on-chip diagnosis. Journal of Systems Architecture, 2017 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Shiva Shanka Subramanian, Lin PinXing, Andreas Herkersdorf, Thomas Wild: A Divide and Conquer State Grouping Method for Bitmap Based Transition. 18th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT’17), 2017 mehr… BibTeX


  • Andre Richter, Christian Herber, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: Resolving Performance Interference in SR-IOV Setups with PCIe Quality-of-Service Extensions. 2016 Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), 2016 mehr… BibTeX
  • Lin Li, Philipp Wagner, Ramesh Ramaswamy, Albrecht Mayer, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: A Rule-based Methodology for Hardware Configuration Validation in Embedded Systems. 19th International Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems (SCOPES 2016), 2016 mehr… BibTeX
  • Michael Vonbun, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: Estimation of End-to-End Packet Error Rates for NoC Multicasts. Architecture of Computing Systems -- ARCS 2016, Springer International Publishing, 201629th International Conference, Nuremberg, Germany, April 4-7, 2016, Proceedings mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Philipp Wagner, Lin Li, Thomas Wild, Albrecht Mayer, Andreas Herkersdorf: What happens on an MPSoC stays on an MPSoC - unfortunately! 2016 International Symposium on Integrated Circuits (ISIC), 2016 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Philipp Wagner, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: DiaSys: On-Chip Trace Analysis for Multi-processor System-on-Chip. Architecture of Computing Systems -- ARCS 2016 (Springer Lecture Notes 9637), Springer International Publishing, 2016, 197-209 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
  • Ravi Kumar Pujari, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: TCU: A Multi-Objective Hardware Thread Mapping Unit for HPC Clusters. International Supercomputing Conference High Performance -- ISC 2016, 2016 mehr… BibTeX
  • Santiago Pagani, Lars Bauer, Qingqing Chen, Elisabeth Glocker, Frank Hannig, Andreas Herkersdorf, Heba Khdr, Anuj Pathania, Ulf Schlichtmann, Doris Schmitt-Landsiedel, Mark Sagi, Éricles Sousa, Philipp Wagner, Volker Wenzel, Thomas Wild, Jörg Henkel: Dark silicon management: an integrated and coordinated cross-layer approach. it - Information Technology 58 (6), 2016, 297–307 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Shiva Shankar Subramanian, Pinxing Lin, Andreas Herkersdorf, Thomas Wild: Hardware Acceleration of Signature Matching through Multi­ Layer Transition Bit Masking. ITNAC 2016, International Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference, 2016, 226-233 mehr… BibTeX
  • Stefan Rösch, Holm Rauchfuss, Stefan Wallentowitz, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: MPSoC application resilience by hardware-assisted communication virtualization. Microelectronics Reliability, 2016 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )


  • Andre Richter, Christian Herber, Stefan Wallentowitz, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: A Hardware/Software Approach for Mitigating Performance Interference Effects in Virtualized Environments Using SR-IOV. Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 2015 IEEE 8th International Conference on, 2015 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
  • Andre Richter, Christian Herber, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: Denial-of-Service attacks on PCI passthrough devices: Demonstrating the impact on network- and storage-I/O performance. Journal of Systems Architecture 61 (10), 2015, 592 - 599 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Andreas Weichslgartner, Jan Heisswolf, Aurang Zaib, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf, Jürgen Becker and Jürgen Teich: Position Paper: Towards Hardware-Assisted Decentralized Mapping of Applications for Heterogeneous NoC Architectures. Second International Workshop on Multi-objective Many-core design (MOMAC), 2015 mehr… BibTeX
  • Aurang Zaib, Jan Heisswolf, Andreas Weichslgartner, Thomas Wild, Jürgen Teich, Jürgen Becker, Andreas Herkersdorf: Network Interface with Task Spawning Support for NoC-Based DSM Architectures. Architecture of Computing Systems--ARCS 2015, 2015 mehr… BibTeX
  • Christian Herber, Andre Richter, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: Real-Time Capable CAN to AVB Ethernet Gateway Using Frame Aggregation and Scheduling. Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 2015 mehr… BibTeX Volltext (mediaTUM)
  • Lars Bauer, Jörg Henkel, Andreas Herkersdorf, Michael A. Kochte, Johannes M. Kühn, Wolfgang Rosenstiel, Thomas Schweitzer, Stefan Wallentowitz, Volker Wenzel, Thomas Wild, Hans-Joachim Wunderlich, Hongyan Zhang: Adaptive multi-layer techniques for increased system dependability. it - Information Technology 57 (3), 2015 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Philipp Wagner, Lin Li, Thomas Wild, Albrecht Mayer, Andreas Herkersdorf: Knowledge-Based On-Chip Diagnosis for Multi-Core Systems-on-Chip. edaWorkshop 15, 2015, 39-45 mehr… BibTeX Volltext (mediaTUM)
  • Preethi Parayil Mana Damodaran, Aurang Zaib, Thomas Wild, Stefan Wallentowitz, Andreas Herkersdorf: Sharer Status-based Caching in tiled Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chip. HPC 2015, 2015 mehr… BibTeX
  • Ravi Kumar Pujari, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: A Hardware-based Multi-objective Thread Mapper for Tiled Manycore Architectures. 33rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), 2015 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )


  • Andre Richter, Christian Herber, Holm Rauchfuss, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: Performance Isolation Exposure in Virtualized Platforms with PCI Passthrough I/O Sharing. ARCS - Architecture of Computing Systems, 2014 mehr… BibTeX Volltext (mediaTUM)
  • Andy Heinig, Manfred Dietrich, Andreas Herkersdorf, Felix Miller, Thomas Wild, Kai Hahn, Armin Grünewald, Rainer Brück, Steffen Krohnert, Jochen Reisinger: System Integration - The Bridge between More than Moore and More Moore Design. Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), Friday Workshop on 3D Integration, 2014 mehr… BibTeX
  • Aurang Zaib, Prashanth Raju, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: A Layered Modeling and Simulation Approach to investigate Resource-aware Computing in MPSoCs. Resource awareness and adaptivity in multi-core computing, RACING, First Workshop, 2014 mehr… BibTeX
  • Christian Herber, Andre Richter, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: Deadline-Aware Interrupt Coalescing in Controller Area Network (CAN). The 11th IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems, 2014 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
  • Christian Herber, Andre Richter, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: A Network Virtualization Approach for Performance Isolation in Controller Area Network (CAN). The 20th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), 2014 mehr… BibTeX Volltext (mediaTUM)
  • Felix Miller, Vladimir Todorov, Thomas Wild, Daniel Müller-Gritschneder, Andreas Herkersdorf, Ulf Schlichtmann: A TSV-Property-aware Synthesis Method for Application-Specific 3D-NoCs Design. Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), Friday Workshop on 3D Integration, 2014 mehr… BibTeX
  • Jan Heisswolf, Aurang Zaib, Andreas Weichslgartner, Martin Karle, Maximilian Singh, Thomas Wild, Jürgen Teich, Andreas Herkersdorf, Jürgen Becker: The Invasive Network on Chip - A Multi-Objective Many-Core Communication Infrastructure. Proceedings of the first International Workshop on Multi-Objective Many-Core Design (MOMAC) in conjunction with International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS), 2014 mehr… BibTeX
  • Stefan Wallentowitz, Michael Tempelmeier, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: Network-on-Chip Protection Switching Techniques for Dependable Task Migration on an Open Source MPSoC Platform. edaWorkshop, 2014 mehr… BibTeX
  • Stefan Wallentowitz, Volker Wenzel, Stefan Rösch, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf, Jörg Henkel: Dependable Task and Communication Migration in Tiled Manycore System-on-Chip. Forum on Specification & Design Languages (FDL), 2014 mehr… BibTeX


  • Andreas Herkersdorf, Johny Paul, Ravi Kumar Pujari, Walter Stechele, Stefan Wallentowitz, Thomas Wild, Aurang Zaib: Potentials and Challenges for Multi-Core Processors in Robotic Applications. Workshop "Roboterkontrollarchitekturen" auf der Informatik 2013, 43. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, GI-Edition "Lecture Notes in Informatics" (LNI), 2013 mehr… BibTeX
  • Aurang Zaib, Jan Heisswolf, Andreas Weichslgartner, Thomas Wild, Jürgen Teich, Jürgen Becker, Andreas Herkersdorf: AUTO-GS: Self-optimization of NoC Traffic Through Hardware Managed Virtual Connections. 16th EUROMICRO Digital System Design (DSD) Conference, 2013 mehr… BibTeX
  • Felix Miller, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: Virtualized and Fault-Tolerant Inter-Layer-Links for 3D-ICs. Microprocessors and Microsystems Volume 37 (Issue 8), 2013, pp 823-835 mehr… BibTeX
  • Felix Miller, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: Networks-On-Chips für 3D-ICs. 7. ITG/GI/GMM-Fachtagung, 2013 mehr… BibTeX
  • J. Heisswolf, A. Zaib, A. Weichslgartner, R. König, T. Wild, A. Herkersdorf, J. Teich and J. Becker: Virtual Networks - Distributed Communication Resource Management. In: Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS). ACM, 2013 mehr… BibTeX
  • Jan Heisswolf, Andreas Weichslgartner, Aurang Zaib, Ralf König, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf, Jürgen Teich, Jürgen Becker: Hardware Supported Adaptive Data Collection for Networks on Chip. IPDPS PhD Forum - 27th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing, 2013 mehr… BibTeX
  • Stefan Wallentowitz, Philipp Wagner, Michael Tempelmeier, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: Open Tiled Manycore System-on-Chip. Lehrstuhl für Integrierte Systeme, 2013, mehr… BibTeX
  • Stefan Wallentowitz, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: HW-OSQM: Reducing the Impact of Event Signaling by Hardware-based Operating System Queue Manipulation. International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS), Springer, 2013, 280-291 mehr… BibTeX


  • Andreas Herkersdorf, Hans-Ulrich Michel, Holm Rauchfuss, Thomas Wild: Multicore Enablement for Automotive Cyber Physical Systems. Special issue of journal "it - Information Technology", 2012 mehr… BibTeX
  • Andreas Lankes, Thomas Wild, Stefan Wallentowitz, Andreas Herkersdorf: Benefits of Selective Packet Discard in Networks-on-Chip. Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO) Volume 9 (Issue 2), 2012, p. 1-21 mehr… BibTeX
  • Felix Miller, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: TSV-Virtualization for Multi-Protocol-Interconnect in 3D-ICs. 15th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), 2012 mehr… BibTeX
  • Holm Rauchfuss, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: Enhanced Reliability in Tiled Manycore Architectures through Transparent Task Relocation. 7th Workshop Dependability and Fault Tolerance (VERFE), presented at ARCS, 2012 mehr… BibTeX
  • Jan Heisswolf, Aurang Zaib, Andreas Weichslgartner, Ralf Koenig, Thomas Wild, Jürgen Teich, Andreas Herkersdorf, Jürgen Becker: Hardware-assisted Decentralized Resource Management for Networks on Chip with QoS. IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing Workshops and PhD Forum (IPDPSW), 2012 mehr… BibTeX
  • Jörg Henkel, Andreas Herkersdorf, Lars Bauer, Thomas Wild, Michael Hübner, Ravi Kumar Pujari, Artjom Grudnitsky, Jan Heisswolf, Aurang Zaib, Benjamin Vogel, Vahid Lari, Sebastian Kobbe: Invasive Manycore Architectures. Proceedings of the 17th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), 2012 mehr… BibTeX
  • Kai Hylla, Armin Grünewald, Kai Hahn, Andy Heinig, Uwe Knöchel, S. Wolf, Felix Miller, Thomas Wild, Artur Quiring, Markus Olbrich, Sebastian Sattler, Dieter Treytnar: NEEDS - Nanoelektronik-Entwurf für 3D-Systeme. Zuverlässigkeit und Entwurf, 6. GMM/GI/ITG-Fachtagung (ZuE) , 2012 mehr… BibTeX
  • Michael Gerndt, Frank Hannig, Andreas Herkersdorf, Andreas Hollmann, Marcel Meyer, Sascha Roloff, Josef Weidendorfer, Thomas Wild, Aurang Zaib: An Integrated Simulation Framework for Invasive Computing. Forum on specification and Design Languages (FDL), 2012 mehr… BibTeX
  • Roman Plyaskin, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: System-level Software Performance Simulation Considering Out-of-order Processor Execution. International Symposium on System-on-Chip, 2012 mehr… BibTeX
  • Stefan Wallentowitz, Andreas Lankes, Aurang Zaib, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: A Framework for Open Tiled Manycore System-on-Chip. 22nd International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), 2012 mehr… BibTeX


  • Ravi Kumar Pujari, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf, Benjamin Vogel, Jörg Henkel: Hardware Assisted Thread Assignment for RISC based MPSoCs in Invasive Computing. International Symposium on Integrated Circuits (ISIC), 2011 mehr… BibTeX
  • Stefan Wallentowitz, Marcel Meyer, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: Accelerating Collective Communication in Message Passing on Manycore System-on-Chip. International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation (SAMOS XI), 2011 mehr… BibTeX


  • Andreas Herkersdorf, Andreas Lankes, Michael Meitinger, Rainer Ohlendorf, Stefan Wallentowitz, Thomas Wild, Johannes Zeppenfeld: Hardware Support to Exploit Parallelism in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Multi-Core Systems on Chip. Springer Verlag, 2010 mehr… BibTeX
  • Andreas Lankes, Thomas Wild, Sören Sonntag, Helmut Reinig, Andreas Herkersdorf: Comparison of Deadlock Recovery and Avoidance Mechanisms to approach Message dependent Deadlocks in on-chip Networks. The 4th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip, 2010 mehr… BibTeX
  • Holm Rauchfuss, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: A Network Interface Card Architecture for I/O Virtualization in Embedded Systems. Second Workshop on I/O Virtualization (WIOV), 2010 mehr… BibTeX
  • Kimon Karras, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: A Folded Pipeline Network Processor Architecture for 100 Gbit/s Networks. ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS), 2010 mehr… BibTeX
  • Rainer Ohlendorf, Michael Meitinger, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: An Application-aware Load Balancing Strategy for Network Processors. International Conference on High-Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers (HiPEAC), 2010 mehr… BibTeX


  • Andreas Lankes, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: Hierarchical NoCs for Optimized Access to Shared Memory and IO Resources. Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), 2009 mehr… BibTeX
  • Daniel Llorente, Kimon Karras, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: Advanced Packet Segmentation and Buffering Algorithms in Network Processors. 4th International Conference on High Performance and Embedded Architectures and Compilers, 2009 mehr… BibTeX
  • Rainer Ohlendorf, Michael Meitinger, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: FlexPath NP- Flexible, Dynamically Reconfigurable Processing Paths in Network Processors. In: Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems, Architectures, Design, Methods and Applications. Springer, 2009 mehr… BibTeX
  • Simon Hauger, Thomas Wild, Arthur Mutter, Andreas Kirstädter, Kimon Karras, Rainer Ohlendorf, Frank Feller, Joachim Scharf: Packet Processing at 100Gbps and Beyond - Challenges and Perspectives. 10. ITG-Fachtagung Photonische Netze, 2009 mehr… BibTeX


  • Andreas Lankes, Thomas Wild, Johannes Zeppenfeld: System Level Simulation of Autonomic SoCs with TAPES. Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4934), Springer, 2008, 9-22 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Daniel Llorente, Kimom Karras, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: Buffer Allocation for Advanced Packet Segmentation in Network Processors. Application-Specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP), IEEE Press, 2008, 221-226 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Kimon Karras, Daniel Llorente, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: Improving Memory Subsystem Performance in Network Processors with Smart Packet Segmentation. Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation, 20088th International Workshop, SAMOS mehr… BibTeX
  • Michael Meitinger, Rainer Ohlendorf, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: FlexPath NP - A Network Processor Architecture with Flexible Processing Paths. International Symposium on System-on-Chip (SoC), 2008 mehr… BibTeX
  • Michael Meitinger, Rainer Ohlendorf, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: A Hardware Packet Resequencer Unit for Network Processors. Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4934), Springer, 2008, 85-97 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Rainer Ohlendorf, Michael Meitinger, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: A Processing Path Dispatcher in Network Processor MPSoCs. IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems, IEEE, 2008, 1335-1345 mehr… BibTeX
  • Thilo Pionteck, Roman Koch, Carsten Albrecht, Erik Maehle, Michael Meitinger, Rainer Ohlendorf, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: SPP1148 Booth: Network Processors. Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), 2008, 352-352 mehr… BibTeX
  • Zhonglei Wang, Thomas Wild, Stefan Rüping, Bernhard Lippmann: Benchmarking Domain Specific Processors: A Case Study of Evaluating A Smart Card Processor Design. IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), IEEE Press, 2008, 16-21 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )


  • Andreas Herkersdorf, Christopher Claus, Michael Meitinger, Rainer Ohlendorf, Thomas Wild: Reconfigurable Processing Units vs. Reconfigurable Interconnects. Dagstuhl Seminar on Dynamically Reconfigurable Architectures, 2007 mehr… BibTeX
  • Andreas Lankes, Thomas Wild, Johannes Zeppenfeld: Power Estimation of Time Variant SoCs with TAPES. 10th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design: Architectures, Methods, Tools (DSD 07), 2007 mehr… BibTeX
  • Daniel Llorente, Kimon Karras, Michael Meitinger, Holm Rauchfuss, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: Accelerating Packet Buffering and Administration in Network Processors. International Symposium on Integrated Circuits (ISIC), 2007 mehr… BibTeX
  • Michael Meitinger, Rainer Ohlendorf, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: A Programmable Stream Processing Engine for Packet Manipulation in Network Processors. IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, 2007 (ISVLSI '07), 2007 mehr… BibTeX
  • Rainer Ohlendorf, Michael Meitinger, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf: A Packet Classification Technique for On-Chip Processing Path Selection. Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Application Specific Processors (WASP'07), 2007, pp 95-102 mehr… BibTeX
  • Rainer Ohlendorf, Thomas Wild, Michael Meitinger, Holm Rauchfuss, Andreas Herkersdorf: Simulated and Measured Performance Evaluation of RISC-based SoC Platforms in Network Processing Applications. Journal of Systems Architecture Volume 53 (Issue 10), 2007, pp 703-718 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )


  • Jürgen Foag, Thomas Wild: Queuing algorithm for speculative Network Processors. International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking Volume 4 (Issue 5/6), 2006, pp 241-247 mehr… BibTeX
  • Rainer Ohlendorf, Thomas Wild, Michael Meitinger, Holm Rauchfuss, Andreas Herkersdorf: Performance Evaluation of RISC-based SoC Platforms in Network Processing Applications. Proceedings of the International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation (SAMOS 2006), 2006 mehr… BibTeX
  • Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf, Gyoo-Yeong Lee: TAPES - Trace-based architecture performance evaluation with SystemC. Design Automation for Embedded Systems Volume 10 (Numbers 2-3, Special Issue on SystemC-based System Modeling, Verification and Synthesis), 2006, pp 157-179 mehr… BibTeX
  • Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf, Rainer Ohlendorf: Performance Evaluation for System-on-Chip Architectures using Trace-based Transaction Level Simulation. Design Automation & Test in Europe (DATE), 2006 mehr… BibTeX


  • Jürgen Foag, Thomas Wild: Predictive Processing Architecture Extension for Network Processora. IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), 2005 mehr… BibTeX
  • Rainer Ohlendorf, Andreas Herkersdorf, Thomas Wild: FlexPath NP - A Network Processor Concept with Application-Driven Flexible Processing Paths. CODES+ISSS, 2005 mehr… BibTeX


  • Jürgen Foag, Thomas Wild: Queuing algorithm for Speculative Network Processors. 18th International Symposium on High Performance Computing Systems and Applications, 2004 mehr… BibTeX


  • Jürgen Foag, Thomas Wild: Traffic Prediction Algorithm for a Speculative Network Processor. 17th Intl. Symposium for High Performance Computing Systems and Applications HPCS, 2003 mehr… BibTeX
  • Winthir Brunnbauer, Thomas Wild, Andreas Krug: Consideration of IP-Modules during Mapping and Scheduling of Task Graphs. Austrochip, 2003 mehr… BibTeX
  • Winthir Brunnbauer, Thomas Wild, Jürgen Foag, Nuria Pazos: A Constructive Algorithm with Look-Ahead for Mapping and Scheduling of Task Graphs with Conditional Edges. EuroMicro Symposium on Digital System Design (DSD), 2003 mehr… BibTeX