
Name der Lehrveranstaltung | Sem. | Sprache | Studiengang |
Nachrichtentechnik | SS | de | BSEI |
Nachrichtentechnik 2 | WS | de | BSEI |
Mobile Communications | SS | en | BSEI |
Advanced Topics in Communication Systems | SS | en | MSCE |
Channel Codes for Iterative Decoding | SS | en | MSEI, MSCE |
Channel Coding | SS/WS | en | MSEI, MSCE |
Coding for Private Reliable and Efficient Distributed Learning | WS | en | MSEI,MSCE |
Coding Theory for Storage and Networks | SS | en | MSEI, MSCE |
Information Theory | WS | en | MSEI, MSCE |
Machine Learning for Communications | WS | en | MSEI, MSCE |
Multi-User Information Theory | SS | en | MSEI, MSCE |
Optical Communication Systems | WS | en | MSEI, MSCE |
Physical Layer Methods | SS | de | MSEI |
Security in Communications and Storage | WS | en | MSEI, MSCE |
System Aspects in Communications | WS | en | MSEI, MSCE |
Wireless Communications | WS | en | MSEI, MSCE |
Grundlagen der Informationstechnik (LB) | WS | de | LB, TUM-BWL |
Nachrichtentechnik I - Signaldarstellung (LB) | WS | de | LB, TUM-BWL |
Nachrichtentechnik II - Modulationsverfahren (LB) | SS | de | LB, TUM-BWL |
Nachrichtensysteme - Kommunikationssysteme (LB) | SS | de | LB, TUM-BWL |
Name der Lehrveranstaltung | Sem. | Sprache | Studiengang |
Basic Laboratory Course on Telecommunications | SS/WS | de/en | BSEI |
Simulation of Optical Communication Systems Laboratory | SS/WS | en | MSEI, MSCE |
Wireless Communications Laboratory | SS | en | MSEI |
Communications Laboratory | WS | en | MSCE |
Name der Lehrveranstaltung | Sem. | Sprache | Studiengang |
Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten Seminar | SS/WS | en/de | BSEI, MSEI, MSCE |
Seminar on Coding and Cryptography | SS/WS | en/de | MSEI, MSCE |
Seminar on Digital Communications | SS/WS | en/de | MSEI, MSCE |
Seminar on Optical Communications | SS/WS | en/de | MSEI, MSCE |
Doktorandenseminar | WS | en |
Legende Studiengang
BSEI | Bachelorstudiengang Eletrotechnik und Informationstechnik |
MSEI | Masterstudiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik |
MSCE | Master of Science in Communications Engineering |
TUM-BWL | Technologie- und Managementorientierte BWL |
LB | Studiengang für das Lehramt an Beruflichen Schulen |