
The rapid progress in wired and wireless communication technologies has fueled the tremendous success of the Internet and cellular mobile communications. With the 5th Generation Mobile Communication (“5G”), as well as with the next "6G", a global networked world across all societal and industrial disciplines is emerging that is driven by market pull and technology push and is characterized by massive R&D efforts in industry and academia.
To realize the vision of a seamlessly networked world poses great technical challenges and requires the tight cooperation of many engineering disciplines. The impact of communication technologies on other industrial fields, like transport, medical systems, media, energy systems, automation, etc., can already be seen everywhere. It will further increase in the forthcoming decades and create new opportunities for communications engineering.
Mission and Goals
The research area Communications (COM) contributes to the creation of user-friendly, efficient, secure and dependable next generation communication systems by performing high-quality research in a broad range of fields and topics at the forefront of communication technologies and systems and in tight cooperation with national and international industry as well as national and international academic research partners. COM provides an administrative and organizational hub to bundle and foster research and education in the broad area of Communications at the Technical University of Munich.
Georg Carle, Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Reinhard Heckel, Prof. ETH Zürich

Gerhard Rigoll, Prof. Dr.
Targeted Application Domains
The research projects carried out target technology advancement in the following interdisciplinary application domains:
- Telecommunications
- Urban Mobility and Transport
- Industry 4.0
- Robotics, automation and teleoperation
- Tactile Internet
- Cyber-physical networking
- Multimedia signal processing and –communication
- Perception-oriented and user centered design
- Machine learning and data analytics
- Network and data security
- Cloud computing and data storage
- Localization and navigation
Partner research institutes
- Institute of Communications and Navigation at the German Aerospace Center (DLR)
- Fraunhofer Research Institution for Applied and Integrated Security AISEC
Selected Projects
- Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy (StMWi):
- 6G Future Lab Bavaria (fundamental research project involving 13 members of COM)
- Bavarian Ministry Munich Quantum Valley
- 6G Life (BMBF research hub of TUM and TUDresden with more than 10 members of COM)
- German Science Foundation (DFG):
- Priority Program Dependable Embedded Systems, SPP 1500
- Priority Program Compressed Sensing in Information Processing, SPP 1798
- Priority Program Cyber Physical Networking, SPP 1914
- DFG German Israeli Project Cooperation (DIP): Kognitive Cloud-Kommunikationsnetze
SFB 1330 Hearing Acoustics: Perceptive Principles, Algorithms and Applications (HAPPAA)
- European Research Council:
- ERC Starting Grant "Coding for Security and DNA Storage (inCREASE)"
- ERC Consolidator Grant “Quantifying Flexibility in Communication Networks (FlexNets)”
- ERC Starting Grant “Haptic Communications”
- Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
- Munich Aerospace: Multiaccess and Security Coding for Massive IoT Systems
- TUM CoSES research center
Our research group contributes to the following study programs:
- Master of Science in Communications and Electronics Engineering (MSCE)
- Master of Science in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (MSEI), in particular to the Communications Core Area
- Center for Digital Technology and Management (interdisciplinary courses)
Leadership in Societies
- Acatech (H. Boche)
- Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina (H. Boche)
- Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften (G. Kramer)
- Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (H. Boche)
- Director of the Bavarian Academic Forum (BayWISS) for Mobility & Traffic (W. Utschick)
- International Union of Radio Science, URSI, Komission B (T. Eibert, E. Biebl)
- Münchner Kreis (K. Diepold, W. Kellerer)
- Member of the Bundesnetzagentur „Wissenschaftlicher Arbeitskreis für Regulierungsfragen“ (WAR) (W. Kellerer)
- IEEE Signal Processing Society (Chair of German Chapter: W. Utschick)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik (DEGA) (Vorstandsrat: Seeber)
- VDE ITG Fachausschuss 4.2 “Hörakustik” (Sprecher: Seeber)
- VDE ITG Fachausschuss 5.1 "Informations- und Systemtheorie" (H. Boche, G. Kramer, W. Utschick, C. Günther, A. Wachter-Zeh)
- VDE ITG Fachausschuss 5.2 “Kommunikationsnetze und -systeme” (W. Kellerer)
- VDE ITG Fachausschuss KT3 „Optische Nachrichtentechnik" (N. Hanik)
- GI/ITG Fachausschuss 6.4 „Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme“ (W. Kellerer)
DIN/VDI NALS advisory board NA 001 BR – Beirat des DIN/VDI-Normenausschusses Akustik, Lärmminderung und Schwingungstechnik (NALS) (B. Seeber)