2023 Workshop on Quantum Wireless Campus Network (QD-CamNetz)
The Kick-Off Meeting of the BMBF-Project QD-CamNetz will take place at February 15th 2023 at the TUM in Munich.
Location: Theresienstr. 90, Building N4, Room N2407 and N2408
The BMBF Quantum Wireless Campus Network (QD-CamNetz) project aims to demonstrate the first 5G quantum campus network. Quantum technologies will be integrated into the existing 5G campus network to achieve unprecedented resilience and time synchronization, which are pillars of future Industry 4.0, tactile internet and future 6G networks. To this end, quantum routers compatible with existing communication infrastructure will be developed for use outside the laboratory. A quantum protocol stack will be developed that regulates the communication between quantum routers and provides functions for applications. A network architecture will be developed. The goal is a platform for testing industrial applications.
Official project page of the BMBF.
Organizers: Christian Deppe, Janis Nötzel, Riccardo Bassoli
9.00am Welcoming Coffee
9.30am Opening presentation about BMBF framework characteristics and guidelines.
Dirk Ziemann (BMBF)
9.45am Presentation of the general view of quantum roadmap/vision of TUD-TUM projects.
Holger Boche (TU München), Frank H. P. Fitzek (TU Dresden)
10.00am Presentation of project structure and objectives.
Riccardo Bassoli (TU Dresden)
10.30am Coffee break
10.50am AP1 – AP leader Holger Boche (TU München)
11.10am AP2 – AP leader Christian Deppe (TU München)
11.30am AP3 – AP leader Frank Fitzek, Riccardo Bassoli (TU Dresden)
11.50am AP4 – AP leader Marc Geitz (Deutsche Telekom)
12.10pm AP5 – AP leader Caspar Hopfmann (IFW Dresden)
12.30pm Lunch break
01.30pm AP6 – AP leader Janis Nötzel (TU München)
01.50pm AP7 – AP leader Frank Fitzek, Riccardo Bassoli (TU Dresden)
02.10pm Associated Partner – Florian Otto (attocube systems AG)
02.30pm Coffee break
03.00pm Closing remarks and open discussion.
03.40pm End of the meeting.
Project Leaders
Christian Deppe, Holger Boche, Janis Nötzel, TUM
Frank H. P. Fitzek, TU Dresden (Coordination)
Caspar Hopfmann, Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung Dresden
Thomas Höschele, CampusGenius GmbH
Oliver Holschke, Deutsche Telekom AG, T-Labs
Florian Otto, attocube systems AG
Supported by