2023 Workshop on Quantum Physical Layer Service Integration (QuaPhySI)
The Kick-Off Meeting of the BMBF-Project QuaPhySI will take place at February 14th 2023 at the TUM in Munich.
Location: Theresienstr. 90, Building N4, Room N2408 and N2407
The BMBF Quantum Physical Layer Service Integration (QuaPhySI) project researches quantum bridging technologies with application potential for future communication networks and towards the quantum internet. For this purpose, a holistic concept for a network architecture based on Physical Layer Service Integration (PLSI) will be designed. The concept will be evaluated by emulating a quantum-classical network protocol stack. Concrete building blocks are Entanglement-Assisted Data Transmission (ED) and Oblivious Transfer (OT). The project addresses secure and efficient quantum-classical communication networks, also considering quantum-classical error-correcting procedures for reliability.
Official project page of the BMBF.
Organizers: Christian Deppe, Janis Nötzel
09:00 Coffee and informal meeting
09:30 - 11:00 QuaPhySI goals according to GVB:
Short summary talks (10 minutes each)
providing a summary of QuaPhySI and individual project goals
11:00 Coffee break
- discussion of collaboration opportunities
- pros and cons of having further associated industry partners
- tuning of added aspects for talks in the 13:00 -- 15:00 slot
12:30 Lunch
13:00 Scientific talks, demos, taking into account the previously identified points of mutual interest
identification of next steps for fundamental research, review articles and software
15:00 Industry presentations
16:00 Discussion: Further associated industry partners
17:00 End
19:00 Joint dinner (self-payment)

Project Leaders
Christian Deppe, Holger Boche, Janis Nötzel, TUM
Frank H. P. Fitzek, TU Dresden
Peter van Loock, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Supported by