2018 Munich Workshop on Coding and Cryptography (MWCC)
The 2018 Munich Workshop on Coding and Cryptography (MWCC 2018) takes place on April 10-11, 2018. The workshop consists of invited talks in the area of coding theory and cryptography and a poster session.
We look forward to seeing you in Munich!
Workshop Chairs: Ragnar Freij-Hollanti, Camilla Hollanti, Vladimir Sidorenko, Antonia Wachter-Zeh
Local Organization: Lukas Holzbaur, Andreas Lenz, Julian Renner, Nicole Rossmann
Topics of interest
- Coding theory
- Cryptography
- Private information retrieval
09:00 Welcome (Antonia, Camilla, Ragnar, and Volodya)
Session 1 (Chair: Grigory Kabatiansky)
09:10–09:50 Invited Talk: Daniel Augot: "On the Decoding of Interleaved Reed-Solomon Codes"
09:50–10:30 Invited Talk: Eitan Yaakobi: "On the Access Complexity of PIR Schemes"
10:30–11:00 Coffee Break
Session 2 (Chair: Eimear Byrne)
11:00–11:40 Invited Talk: Ragnar Freij-Hollanti: "Star Product Schemes for Private Information Retrieval"
11:40–12:20 Invited Talk: Simon Blackburn: "Reducing the Download Complexity of PIR Schemes"
12:20–14:00 Lunch Break
Session 3 (Chair: Jens Zumbrägel)
14:00–14:40 Invited Talk: Joachim Rosenthal: "Convolutional Codes having good Distance Profile for a Particular Metric"
14:40–15:20 Invited Talk: Antonia Wachter-Zeh: "On a Rank-Metric Code-Based Cryptosystem with Small Key Size"
15:20–16:00 Invited Talk: Alexandre Graell i Amat: "Achieving Private Information Retrieval Capacity in Distributed Storage Using an Arbitrary Linear Code"
16:00–17:30 Coffee Break & Poster Session
18:30 Dinner at Wirtshaus Maxvorstadt
Session 4 (Chair: Gianluigi Liva)
09:00–09:40 Invited Talk: Øyvind Ytrehus: "Coding Techniques for Communication with Low Power Devices over Inductively Coupled Channels"
09:40–10:20 Invited Talk: Tuvi Etzion: "Locality, Availability, Subspaces, and their Connection to PIR Codes"
10:20–11:00 Coffee Break
Session 5 (Chair: Anna-Lena Horlemann-Trautmann)
11:00–11:40 Invited Talk: Salim El Rouayheb: "The Curious Case of Single-Server Information Theoretic Private Information Retrieval"
11:40–12:20 Invited Talk: David Karpuk: "Private Computation"
12:20–14:00 Lunch Break
Session 6 (Chair: Hannes Bartz)
14:00–14:40 Invited Talk: Angela Barbero: "On MDS Convolutional Codes. An Algorithm and Some Constructions of Superregular Matrices."
14:40–15:20 Invited Talk: Katerina Mitrokotsa: "Outsourcing Computations to a Cloud that you Don't Trust"
15:20–16:00 Invited Talk: Christos Dimitrakakis: "Social Aspects of Machine Learning"
Registration is free, but if you intend to come, please send a mail to mwcc2018@lnt.ei.tum.de.
The deadline for registrations is March 10.
Poster presentations
There will be a poster session. If you are interested in presenting a poster, please send an email to mwcc2018@lnt.ei.tum.de with a preliminary title.
The deadline for registrations is March 10.
Formatting requirements for the poster are: DIN A0, portrait
Confirmed Participants
- Umberto Martínez-Peñas (University of Toronto, Canada)
- David Karpuk (Universidad de los Andes, Colombia)
- Pankaj Kumar (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark)
- Veronica Estrada (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
- Ivo Kubjas, Yauhen Yakimenka (University of Tartu, Estonia)
- Camilla Hollanti, Matthias Grezet, Olga Kuznetsova, Thomas Westerbäck (Aalto University, Finland)
- Daniel Augot, Julien Lavauzelle (INRIA, France)
- Saroj Rani (S.A. Jain College, Ambala City, Haryana, India)
- Eimear Byrne (University College Dublin, Ireland)
- Tuvi Etzion, Eitan Yaakobi (Technion, Israel)
- Christian Franck (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
- Øyvind Ytrehus, Siddhartha Kumar, Hsuan-Yin Lin (Simula, University of Bergen, Norway)
- Paolo Vettori (University of Aveiro, Portugal)
- Marina Samokhina and Oksana Trushina (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia)
- Sergey Bezzateev (Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Russia)
- Grigory Kabatiansky, Elena Egorova (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Russia)
- Angela Barbero (Universidad de Valladolid, Spain)
- Carlos Vela (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain)
- Joan Josep Climent, Xaro Soler-Escrivà, Verónica Requena (Universitat d'Alacant, Spain)
- Alexandre Graell i Amat, Katerina Mitrokotsa (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
- Anna-Lena Horlemann (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland)
- Joachim Rosenthal, Gianira Alfarano, Alessandro Neri (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
- Simon Blackburn (Royal Holloway University of London, UK)
- Miroslav Mitev (University of Essex, UK)
- Pante Stanica (Naval Postgraduate School, USA)
- Salim El Rouayheb, Rafael D'Oliveira (Rutgers University, USA)
- Michael Braun (Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Germany)
- Cornelia Ott, Sven Müelich, Sven Puchinger, Johannes Pfeiffer (Ulm University, Germany)
- Sascha Kurz (Universitaet Bayreuth, Germany)
- Jens Zumbrägel (University of Passau, Germany)
- Paul-Patrick Nordmann, Alexander Klockmann (University of Potsdam, Germany)
- Ahmed Elkelesh, Moustafa Ebada, Stephan ten Brink, Sebastian Cammerer (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
- Julia Lieb (University of Wuerzburg, Germany)
- Hannes Bartz, Mustafa Cemil Coşkun, Gianluigi Liva, Thomas Jerkovits, Christos Dimitrakakis (DLR, Germany)
- Sebastian Baur, Ramyashree Bhat, Minglai Cai, Christian Deppe, Oussema Dhaouadi, Anna Frank, Ragnar Freij-Hollanti, Christoph Frisch, Tim Fritzmann, Onur Günlü, Lukas Holzbaur, Gerhard Kramer, Anastassiya Kutafina, Andreas Lenz, Kuan-Fu Lin, Hedongliang Liu, Georg Maringer, Joachim Neu, Julian Renner, Amir Rezaei, Diego Vargas Romero, Vladimir Sidorenko, Antonia Wachter-Zeh, Moritz Wiese, Boris-Chengbiao Zhou (Technical University of Munich, Germany)
Poster presentations
There will be a poster session.
If you are interested in presenting a poster, please send an email to mwcc2018@lnt.ei.tum.de with a preliminary title. (Formatting requirements: DIN A0, portrait)
The following posters will be presented:
- Julia Lieb (University of Wuerzburg):
"MDP convolutional codes" - Anna-Lena Horlemann (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland):
"Attacks on Rank-Metric McEliece Cryptosystems – An Overview” - Rafael D'Oliveira (Rutgers University, USA)
- Umberto Martínez-Peñas (University of Toronto, Canada):
"Skew and linearized Reed-Solomon codes and maximum sum rank distance codes" - Alessandro Neri (University of Zurich):
"The Generator Matrix in Standard Form of Gabidulin Codes" - Sascha Kurz (Universitaet Bayreuth):
"Tables of Subspace codes" - Pankaj Kumar (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark):
"Privacy Preserving Data Mining" - Joan Josep Climent, Xaro Soler-Escrivà, Verónica Requena (Universitat d'Alacant, Spain):
"On Abelian non-cyclic orbit codes" - Sergey Bezzateev (Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Russia):
"New lower bounds for irreducible Goppa codes (binary and non-binary)" - Sebastian Cammerer (University of Stuttgart):
"Advances in Belief Propagation Decoding of Polar Codes" - Johannes Pfeiffer (Ulm University, Germany):
"Multilevel Coding for Physical-Layer Security" - Ivo Kubjas (University of Tartu, Estonia):
"Two-Party Function Computation on the Reconciled Data" - Sven Müelich (Ulm University, Germany):
"Using Convolutional Codes for Key Extraction in SRAM Physical Unclonable Functions" - Christian Franck (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg):
"A Trellis-Based SAT Problem" - Saroj Rani (S.A. Jain College, Ambala City, Haryana, India):
"Weight distributions of irreducible constacyclic codes" - Alexander Klockmann (University of Potsdam, Germany):
"A New 3-Bit Burst-Error Correcting Code" - Yauhen Yakimenka (University of Tartu, Estonia):
"Stopping Hierarchy Beyond the Minimum Distance and Its Applications to ML Decoding on BEC" - Onur Günlü (Technical University of Munich, Germany):
"Optimal Key Agreement with Physical Unclonable Functions Under Varying Environmental Conditions" - Miroslav Mitev (University of Essex, United Kingdom):
"Optimal resource allocation in secure Multi-carrier systems" - Siddhartha Kumar (Simula, University of Bergen, Norway):
"Local reconstruction codes: A class of PIR capacity achieving codes” - Veronica Estrada (University of Copenhagen, Denmark):
"On Architectures and Codes for Digital Archives" - Paolo Vettori (University of Aveiro, Portugal):
"MRD Rank Metric Convolutional Codes With Faster Decoding" - Elena Egorova (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Russia):
"On group testing with noise" - Lukas Holzbaur (Technical University of Munich, Germany):
"List Decoding of Locally Repairable Codes" - Andreas Lenz (Technical University of Munich, Germany):
"Coding over Sets for DNA Storage" - Marina Samokhina and Oksana Trushina (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia):
"Class of Rank-codes based cryptosystems"
Hotel Recommendation
- Until March 9, the Hotel Marienbad (info@hotelmarienbad.de) offers a contingency of 10 single rooms. Use code word 'MWCC 2018' to get our special rate € 115 per room/night incl. breakfast.
- Hotel Lex
- Hotel Königswache
- Hotel Antares
- Metro map Munich.
- Airport to Hotel Königswache: use S8 to Herrsching. Get off at Hauptbahnhof and take the U2 to Feldmoching. Get off at Theresienstraße and walk to Hotel Königswache. We recommend the Airport-City-Day-Ticket since it allows you to use the public transport in Munich during the whole day.
- You can also walk from Hauptbahnhof to Hotel Königswache.
- Walk from Hotel Königswache to the Institute for Communications Engineering.
- At the Institute for Communications Engineering, take the elevator or stairs to the 2nd floor. The talks will be given in the seminar room N2408.
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