Munich Workshop on Coding and Cryptography 2022
Contributed Posters
- Maria Abu-Sini (Technion): DNA Synthesis Using Shortmers
- Haider Al Kim (Technical University of Munich): Trading Partially Stuck Cells with Errors
- Anisha Banerjee (Technical University of Munich): Insertion and Deletion Correction in Polymer-based Data Storage
- Daniella Bar-Lev (Technion): Minimizing the Sequencing Coverage of DNA Storage Systems
- Johan Chrisnata (Nanyang Technological University): Bee Identification Problem for DNA Strands
- Sebastian Bitzer (Technical University of Munich): Generic Decoding in the Cover Metric
- Maximilian Egger (Technical University of Munich): Cost-Efficient Distributed Learning via Combinatorial Multi-Armed Bandits
- Marvin Geiselhart (University of Stuttgart): Automorphism Ensemble Decoding: High-Level Parallelism for Low-Latency Implementations
- Maxim Goukhshtein (University of Toronto): Probabilistic Shaping Using a Block-Based Bit-Level Distribution Matcher
- Christoph Hofmeister (Technical University of Munich): Trading Communication and Computation for Security in Gradient Coding
- Shahrzad Kianidehkordi (University of Toronto): Successive Approximation for Coded Matrix Multiplication
- Stanislav Kruglik (Nanyang Technological University): Communication-efficient secret sharing with multiple secrets for distributed storage
- Hedongliang Liu (Technical University of Munich): Quadratic-Curve-Lifted Reed-Solomon Codes
- Issam Maarouf (University of Bergen): Concatenated Codes for Multiple Reads of a DNA Sequence
- Sagi Marcovich (Technion): Covering Sequences for \(\ell\)-Tuples
- Georg Maringer (Technical University of Munich): Information- and Coding-Theoretic Analysis of the RLWE/MLWE Channel
- Luis Maßny (Technical University of Munich): Secure Over-the-Air Aggregation for Federated Learning
- Aleksandar Minja (University of Novi Sad): SISO Decoding of Z_4 Linear Kerdock and Preparata Codes
- Iulia Mitrica (I3S Laboratory) Efficient classification of DNA reads for robust decoding of data stored in synthetic DNA
- Vivian Papadopoulou (Technical University of Munich): Short Codes with Near-ML Universal Decoders: Are Random Codes Good Enough?
- Uzi Pereg (Technical University of Munich): Communication with Unreliable Entanglement Assistance
- Xavier Pic (I3S Laboratory): Image coding algorithm for DNA data storage combining JPEG and autoencoders
- Inbal Preuss (Reichman University): Data Storage Based on Combinatorial Synthesis of DNA Shortmers
- Omer Sabary (Technion): The Input and Output Entropies of the k-Deletion/Insertion Channel
- Omer Sabary (Technion): Reconstruction Algorithms for DNA-Storage Systems
- Phuoc Pham Van Long (Nanyang Technological University): Sequence Reconstruction Problem for Deletion Channels: A Complete Asymptotic Solution
- Lorenz Welter (Technical University of Munich): Concatenated Codes for the Multi-Draw IDS Channel
- Marvin Xhemrishi (Technical University of Munich): Distributed Linear Computations over Private Sparse Matrices