Walter Gademann Master's Thesis Award for Emna Ben Yacoub

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Emna Ben Yacoub will be awarded the Walter Gademann Master’s Thesis Award of the TUM Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) for her outstanding Master's thesis.

The prize will be awarded at the ECE "Tag der Fakultät" on May 10. The topic of Emna's thesis was theory and design of codes for quantized message passing decoding, in particular ternary message passing (TMP) decoding of low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes. She developed a density evolution analysis for unstructured and protograph-based ensembles and showed that TMP substantially improves binary message passing with only a small complexity increase. Furthermore, quaternary message passing hardly improves on TMP. Her algorithms are useful for applications ranging from energy-efficient communication for internet-of-things (IoT) devices to high throughput decoding (Tbps) for long-haul optical fiber.