

I am forever grateful to all the amazing people who continuously influence and help shape my path on the personal and professional levels. Acknowledging everyone by name would require much more than a webpage. Hence, I will restrict to providing a non-exhaustive list of people with whom I have worked and scientifically collaborated within the past few years.


  • Prof. Salim El Rouayheb, PhD supervisor, Rutgers University, New Jersey

  • Prof. Deniz Gündüz, Habilitation supervisor, Imperial College London

  • Prof. Sidharth Jaggi, Habilitation supervisor, Bristol University

  • Prof. Antonia Wachter-Zeh, Habilitation supervisor and Post-doc supervisor, Technical University of Munich


  • Dr. Venkat Dasari, US Army Research Lab

  • Mr. Maximilian Egger, Technical University of Munich

  • Dr. Serge Kas Hanna, Aalto University

  • Mr. Christoph Hofmeister, Technical University of Munich

  • Dr. Yasaman Keshtkarjahromi, Seagate Technology

  • Dr. Andreas Lenz, formerly at the Technical University of Munich

  • Mr. Sijie Li, Chinese University of Hong Kong

  • Mr. Luis Maßny, Technical University of Munich

  • Prof. Parimal Parag, Indian Institute of Science

  • Dr. Nikita Polianskii, IOTA Foundation

  • Prof. Netanel Raviv, Washington University

  • Prof. Hulya Seferoglu, University of Illinois at Chicago

  • Mr. Evagoras Styliano, Technical University of Munich

  • Dr. Ilya Vorobyev, Technical University of Munich 

  • Mr. Lorenz Welter, Technical University of Munich

  • Prof. Mary Wootters, Stanford University

  • Mr. Marvin Xhemrishi, Techinical University of Munich

  • Dr. Yuxuan Xing, University of Illinois at Chicago

  • Dr. Yihan Zhang, Institute of Science and Technology