2022 6G-Quantum Communication Networks workshop (6GQC)

The 6G-Quantum Communication Networks, which takes place 4–8 December 2022 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil as part of the IEEE Global Communications Conference.
Christian Deppe (TUM), Roberto Ferrara (TUM), Janis Nötzel (TUM), Holger Boche (TUM), Frank H.P. Fitzek (TUD), Riccardo Bassoli (TUD)
- quantum-assisted 6G network synchronization
- quantum-assisted distributed computing
- quantum-assisted machine learning for 6G continuum management and orchestration
- quantum-assisted physical-layer security
- merging technologies (e.g., optical switches that work both as classical or quantum devices)
- quantum Internet of Things
- 6G-quantum architecture and integration
- 6G-quantum protocol stack design
- quantum-6G physical layer service integration
- entanglement-assisted 6G communications
- quantum wireless communications for 6G high-altitude and aerial platforms
- quantum-6G protocols and applications
- 6G-quantum new KPIs and KVIs
- QoS and QoE in 6G-quantum communication networks
The 6G-Quantum Communication Networks workshop (6GQC) was the first workshop of the IEEE Communications Society dedicated to integrating 6G and quantum communications. This integration is expected to occur in the mid-term horizon of 2030 when 6G will be deployed. The convergence should be driven from both the classical and quantum sides, motivated by the vision that quantum technologies will be ready to interface with classical technologies within 6G standardization.
This workshop brought together researchers investigating the integration and interworking between classical and quantum communication networks, to increase the awareness of such issues in a timely manner, especially before quantum technologies develop their own independent framework. The challenge was that, while the development of 6G networks might be too early for quantum technologies to mature, the next horizon of 2040 might be too late.

Many thanks to all participants who made this workshop a successful event.
Technical Sponsors
This workshop is technically supported by the TUM Chairs of Communications Engineering and Theoretical Information Technology, and by the Centre for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop (CeTI) funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) as part of Germany’s Excellence Strategy – EXC 2050/1 – Project ID 390696704. The workshop is co-sponsored by the 6G-life research hub financially supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in the programme of “Souverän. Digital. Vernetzt.”, by the Joint project 6G-life, project identification numbers: 16KISK001K and 16KISK002.