Picture of Frederik Walter

M.Sc. Frederik Walter

Technical University of Munich

Associate Professorship of Coding and Cryptography (Prof. Wachter-Zeh)

Postal address

Theresienstr. 90
80333 München


Frederik is currently a doctoral candidate in the Associate Professorship of Coding and Cryptography (Prof. Wachter-Zeh) with the Institute for Communications Engineering, School of Computation, Information and Technology, TUM, Munich, Germany.

Before joining the institute, he was part of a medical technology startup that was funded by the eXist program of the German Ministry of Economic Affairs. From 2017 to 2020, he worked in a management consultancy, advising clients on complex strategic transformations.

Frederik received his M.Sc degree with high distinction (1.0) in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology from TUM in 2016. During this time, he spent a semester at the National University of Singapore. He received his B.Sc. also with high distinction (1.0) in Electrical Engineering from Ulm University in 2014. 

Research Interests

Frederik's research interests focus on coding and information theory applied to the area of DNA data storage. In particular, he studies improvements in the synthesis of DNA strands. 

One field is the use of composite DNA as a tool to increase the alphabet size and, therefore, the information density. Instead of synthesizing only one nucleotide in each cycle, mixing several nucleotides and encoding information in the occurring ratio is possible. Therefore, many interesting coding-related challenges arise when the strands are exposed to substitution, deletion, and/or insertion errors. 

Another area in his research is the efficient synthesis for gene expression analysis. He applies coding theoretic concepts to minimize the synthesis time while ensuring all genes are uniquely represented on a testing array.


Teaching Assistant at Ulm University

  • Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering I
  • Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering II
  • Signals and Systems

Available Theses

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Theses in Progress

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XSLT processing: Could not load response as XML.
CC:XSLT processing: Transformation failed.


  • Frederik Walter, Omer Sabary, Antonia Wachter-Zeh, Eitan Yaakobi: Coding for Composite DNA to Correct Substitutions, Strand Losses and Deletions. Summer Doctoral Seminar 2024, 2024 more…
  • Frederik Walter, Anisha Banerjee, Antonia Wachter-Zeh, Arya Das, Anne Lüscher, Daniella Bar-Lev, Eitan Yaakobi, Francesca Granito, Hamed Sabzalipoor, Jessica Bariffi, Mark Somoza, Omer Sabary, Robert Grass, Sharon Istvánffy, Yonatan Yehezkeally, Zohar Yakhini: Towards a Cryptographic Framework for DNA Data Storage. Coding Theory and Algorithms for DNA-based Data Storage - ISIT2024 Satellite Workshop, 2024 more…
  • Frederik Walter: Coding for Synthesis of Composite DNA. Meeting on DNA Data Applications, 2023 more…