News Archive

| Awards

VDE Johann Philipp Reis Award for Onur Günlü

Onur Günlü is the recipient of the 2021 Johann Philipp Reis Award of the Information Technology Society (ITG) of the German Association of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Information Technology (VDE). He is currently Research Group Leader at the University of Siegen. He completed his Dr.-Ing. degree at the Technical University of Munich in 2018.

| ICE Speaker Series, Talks

Talk: Prof. John S. Baras (November 19, 2021 at 11:30 AM, seminar room N2409)

On November 19, 2021 at 11:30 AM, Prof. John S. Baras from University of Maryland College Park will be giving a talk in the LNT Seminar room N2409 about "The One Learning Algorithm Hypothesis: Towards Universal ML and DL models and architectures".

| Events

2022 Workshop on Entanglement Assisted Communication Networks

On February 3rd - 6th, 2022, the 2nd Workshop on Entanglement Assisted Classical Communication Networks (EACN) will take place at Physikzentrum Bad Honnef. This event is a joint workshop of the Emmy Noether Group “Theoretical Quantum System Design” supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and the Institute for Communications Engineering supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with the project QR.X. Organizers: Boulat Bash (University of…

| Open Positions

3 years PhD position or postdoc position within the BMBF project "Information and coding theory for quantum token-based authentication and secure storage".

The institute for communications engineering is currently offering three positions for doctoral candidates or young postdoctoral candidates with the topic “quantum information theory and hardware-related quantum error correction” (TV-L E13) (f/m/x). In this project based on quantum information theory for a uniform system approach, basic protocols for quantum token-based authentication and secure storage are to be developed. Here, quantum token applications are to be examined both as source…