Seminar Media Technology

Lecturer (assistant)
TypeAdvanced seminar
Duration3 SWS
TermWintersemester 2024/25
Language of instructionGerman
Position within curriculaSee TUMonline
DatesSee TUMonline

Admission information

See TUMonline
Note: registration via TUMOnline


Participants deepen their knowledge in the area of media technology. After completing the course, students are able to scientifically work on a topic in the area of media technology, write a scientific paper and give a scientific talk.


Selected topics in media technology. The focus is on current research topics and new technologies. The participants study recent publications, prepare a summary in the form of a scientific paper and present the topic to the audience.


No specific requirements

Teaching and learning methods

Every participant works on his/her own topic. The goal of the seminar is to train and enhance the ability to work independently on a scientific topic. Every participant is supervised individually by an experienced researcher. This supervisor helps the student to get started, provides links to the relevant literature and gives feedback and advice on draft versions of the paper and the presentation slides.. The main teaching methods are: - Computer-based presentations by the student - The students mainly work with high quality and recent scientific publications


- Scientific paper (50%) - Presentation (30 minutes) and discussion (15 minutes) (50%)

Recommended literature

The following literature is recommended: - will be announced in the seminar


Umbrella topic for WS24/25: "Mastering Data Completion: Superresolution, Inpainting, and Beyond with Machine Learning"

The kick-off meeting for the seminar is on 16.10.2024 at 13:15 in Seminar Room 0406

Attendance is mandatory to get a fixed place in the course! 


This semester's Media Technology scientific seminar is focused on Data Completion. The aim is to investigate its potential, advancements, and future directions in various application domains. More details will be provided during the kick-off Meeting. 

Important notice regarding "Fixed places" in the seminar:

Registering in TUM Online will change your status to "Requirements met." During the seminar kick-off, the fixed places are assigned to the students according to a priority list. Thus, attending the kickoff session is mandatory to secure a fixed place at the seminar. However, please note that due to the high demand, not all students will necessarily get a fixed place as the spots are limited. So, it's crucial to register as soon as possible.