Foto von Tim Music

M.Sc. Tim Music


Lehrstuhl für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (Prof. Sigl)

Theresienstr. 90(0101)/1.ZG
80333 München

PGP: 847E 8E7D FC37 B790 03A0  3858 DCC8 80ED 4793 0715

Research Interests

  • Embedded Security
  • Fault Attacks
  • Countermeasures against physical attacks
  • Physically Unclonable Functions (PUF)
  • Authentication
  • ASIC-Design
  • Cryptography

Student Research Positions

The table below lists the public set of my currenly available research and working opportunities for you. Please do not hesitate to contact me for potential Bachelor or Masters Theses, as well as Research Internships, if you are interested to work in one of my research domains. Should your research interest not be listed right now, let us have a personal conversation in which we may identify and discuss suitable topics.