Short Bio

Jun Nakanishi has recently moved to Nagoya University, Japan. In ICS at Technical University of Munich, he was a senior researcher. He received his doctorate in engineering from Nagoya University, Japan. During his master's program at Nagoya University, he studied in the University of Michigan. He was a Research Associate at Nagoya University, and then a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Southern California. He joined ATR, Kyoto, Japan and was also with the Computational Brain Project, ICORP, Japan Science and Technology Agency. Prior to joining TUM, he was a research fellow at the University of Edinburgh.

Research Interests

I am interested in the control of dynamic movements in robotic systems towards the goal of understanding the principles of motion generation and control design. My research has focused in the fields of dynamical systems based task encoding, adaptive and optimal control and their application to robotics towards achieving dynamically dexterous behavior in robotic systems.

  • Dynamical Systems Theory
  • Adaptive Control
  • Optimal Control
  • Underactuated Systems
  • Locomotion
  • Variable Stiffness Actuation
  • Humanoid Robotics


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