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Hinweis: Die „Schnellsuche“ findet nur Text in den angezeigten Feldern; nicht in Abstracts oder Schlagwörtern. Der Suchbegriff muss mindestens 3 Buchstaben lang sein.
- Entanglement Assisted Classical Communication Link for Transmission of Pareto ON/OFF Time Series. arXiv, CoRR/Cornell University, 2022, mehr…
- Scaling of Entanglement-Assisted Communication in Amplified Fiber Links. arXiv, CoRR/Cornell University, 2022, mehr…
- Effects of Quantum Communication in Large-Scale Uncoordinated Networks at Minimum Latency. 2022 IEEE Globecom Workshops, IEEE, 2022GC Wkshps mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Integrating Quantum Simulation for Quantum-Enhanced Classical Network Emulation. IEEE Communications Letters 25 (12), 2021, 3922-3926 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Integrating Quantum Simulation for Quantum-Enhanced Classical Network Emulation. arXiv, CoRR/Cornell University, 2021, mehr…