Dr. rer. nat Gisbert Janßen

Research Interests

  • Quantum Shannon theory and its classical/quantum neighbours.

Recent work

  • H. Boche, G. Janßen, S. Saeedinaeeni: " Simultaneous transmission of classical and quantum information under channel uncertainty and jamming attacks", J. Math. Phys. 60, 022204 (2019) link, preprint


WS 2018/19

Publications (MediaTUM)

Kein Ergebnis

Hinweis: Die „Schnellsuche“ findet nur Text in den angezeigten Feldern; nicht in Abstracts oder Schlagwörtern. Der Suchbegriff muss mindestens 3 Buchstaben lang sein.


  • R. Bassoli, H. Boche, C. Deppe, R. Ferrara, F.H.P. Fitzek, G. Janssen, S. Saeedinaeeni: Quantum Communication Networks. Band 23. Foundations in Signal Processing, Communications and Networking. Springer Verlag, 2021 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )


  • H. Boche, G. Janssen, S. Saeedinaeeni: Universal superposition codes: Capacity regions of compound quantum broadcast channel with confidential messages. Journal of Mathematical Physics 61 (4), 2020 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
  • H. Boche, G. Janssen, S. Saeedinaeeni: Universal superposition codes: capacity regions of compound quantum broadcast channel with confidential messages. 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, IEEE, 2020ISIT 2020 mehr…


  • H. Boche, G. Janssen, S. Saeedinaeeni: Universal superposition codes: capacity regions of compound quantum broadcast channel with confidential messages. arXiv, CoRR/Cornell Universiy, 2019, mehr…
  • H. Boche, G. Janssen, S. Saeedinaeeni: Universal random codes: capacity regions of the compound quantum multiple-access channel with one classical and one quantum sender. Quantum Information Processing (18), 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
  • H. Boche, G. Janssen, S. Saeedinaeeni: Simultaneous transmission of classical and quantum information under channel uncertainty and jamming attacks. Journal of Math Physics 60 (2), 2019, 29 pages mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
  • H. Boche, G. Janssen, S. Saeedinaeeni: Simultaneous transmission of classical and quantum information under channel uncertainty and jamming attacks. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, IEEE, 2019ISIT 2019 mehr…


  • H. Boche, G. Janßen, S. Saeedinaeeni: Universal random codes: Capacity regions of the compound quantum multiple-access channel with one classical and one quantum sender. arXiv, CoRR/Cornell University, 2018, mehr…
  • H. Boche, G. Janßen, S. Saeedinaeeni: Simultaneous transmission of classical and quantum information under channel uncertainty and jamming attacks. arXiv, CoRR/Cornell University, 2018, mehr…


  • H. Boche, G. Janssen, S. Kaltenstadler: Entanglement-assisted classical capacity of compound and arbitrarily varying quantum channels. Quantum Information Processing 16:88, 2017, Article 88 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )


  • G. Janssen, H. Boche: Distillation of secret-key from a class of compound memoryless quantum sources. 9th International Conference on Information Theoretic Security, 2016ICITS 2016 mehr…
  • H. Boche, G. Janssen: Distillation of secret key from a class of compound memoryless quantum sources. arXiv, CoRR/Cornell University, 2016, mehr…
  • H. Boche, G. Janssen: Distillation of secret-key from a class of compound memoryless quantum sources. Journal of Mathematical Physics 57 (8), 2016 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
  • H. Boche, G. Janssen: Forward secret-key distillation from compound memoryless classical-quantum-quantum sources. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, IEEE, 2016 mehr…
  • H. Boche, G. Janssen, S. Kaltenstadler: Entanglement-assisted classical capacities of compound and arbitrarily varying quantum channels. arXiv, CoRR/Cornell University, 2016, mehr…
  • H. Boche, G. Janssen, S. Kaltenstadler: Entanglement assisted classical capacity of compound quantum channels. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, IEEE, 2016ISIT, 1680-1684 mehr…


  • H. Boche, G. Janssen: Resource cost results for one-way entanglement distillation and state merging of compound and arbitrarily varying quantum sources. arXiv, CoRR/Cornell University, 2014, mehr…
  • H. Boche, G. Janssen: Resource Cost Results for One-Way Entanglement Distillation and State Merging of Compound and Arbitrarily Varying Quantum Sources. Journal of Mathematical Physics 55 (8), 2014, 1-27 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
  • H. Boche, G. Janssen: Resource cost results for entanglement distillation and state merging under source uncertainties. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 2014Honolulu, HI, 721-725 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
  • H. Boche, G. Janßen: Resource Cost Results for Entanglement Distillation and State Merging under Source Uncertainties. arXiv, CoRR/Cornell University, 2014, mehr…


  • I. Bjelakovic, H. Boche, G. Janssen: Universal quantum state merging. Journal of Mathematical Physics 54 (3), 2013, 032204 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
  • I. Bjelakovic, H. Boche, G. Janssen, J. Nötzel: Arbitrarily Varying and Compound Classical-Quantum Channels and a Note on Quantum Zero-Error Capacities – 247-283. In: Aydinain, H.; Cicalese, F.; Deppe, C. (eds.) (Hrsg.): Information Theory, Combinatorics, and Search Theory. Springer Verlag, 2013 mehr…


  • I. Bjelaković, H. Boche, G. Janssen, J. Nötzel: Arbitrarily varying and compound classical-quantum channels and a note on quantum zero-error capacities. arXiv, CoRR/Cornell University, 2012, mehr…


  • I. Bjelakovic, H. Boche, G. Janssen: Universal Quantum State Merging. Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2011), 2011 mehr…