IPF: Information Processing Factory
IPF stands for a novel concept in the management of large and complex heterogeneous Multi-Processor Systems-on-Chip (MPSoC) towards autonomously operating embedded and cyber-physical computer systems. Factories in the real world use data-centric infrastructure to integrate and manage production, supply chain, facilities, operation and maintainence etc.. Similarly, MPSoCs are factories that process large amounts of data by combining many sources of information (e.g. sensors), application and safety requirements, expected changes in workloads, consumption of power and energy, and prediction and handling failures. IPF proposes to manage these complex data processing factories using the concepts of self-awareness and cognitive self-organization.
The IPF project has two phases:
(More information related to the individual phases is provided in their respective links)
The Information Processing Factory (IPF) is a transatlantic internal collaboration among Technical University of Munich (Prof. Herkersdorf), Technical University of Braunschweig (Prof. Ernst) and University of California, Irvine (Prof. Dutt and Prof. Kurdahi). The IPF project is jointly funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and the US National Science Foundation (NSF).
Wolfgang Hillen Summer School 2022 - BaCaTec
The Wolfgang Hillen Summer School was organized as a part of the IPF project where select students and staff members from the Technical university of Munich and Technical University of Braunshweig were given the opportunity to travel to Irvine, California to participate, learn and collaborate in various seminars and workshops related to IPF. A full report of the summer school is available on the TUM page here and the BaCaTec page here.

Selphys workshop 2018
The self-awareness in cyber physical systems workshop was organized in 2019 (SelPhys 2019) related to topics being worked on in the IPF project. More details available here.