
Hossein Kavianirad got the best paper award for the paper „EMG-Based Volitional Torque Estimation in Functional Electrical Stimulation Control“ at the 7th IEEE-EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES 2022), in the session Biomedical Signal Processing. Congratulations!

Zengjie Zhang (former LSR PhD Student, and now PostDoc at Eindhoven University of Technology) and two PhD students from TU/e, Mr. Shuhao Qi and Mr. Ming Li, are visiting ITR and LSR from Friday 18.11.22 until 23.11.22.

We look forward to welcome again DFG Mercator Fellow Prof. John Baras  from the University of Maryland, who will visit ITR from October 24th until October 26th. In June he already gave a talk at ITR with the title „From Robust Control to Robust Machine and Reinforcement Learning: A Unifying…

Please welcome our new project manager Hatem Sultan in our team. He started yesterday and his office is S4502 at ITR.

Prof. Sandra Hirche gave a plenary lecture "Personalized robotic rehabilitation and assistance - a controls perspective" at the Chinese Control Conference 2022 (virtual). The main topic was on learning-based control with performance and safety guarantees for highly uncertain systems with particular…

Prof. Sandra Hirche gave a plenary lecture "Control for personalized robotic rehabilitation and assistance" at European Control Conference 2022 in London. The main topic was on learning-based control with performance and safety guarantees for highly uncertain systems with particular focus on…

Prof. Sandra Hirche gave a keynote titled "High performance control for robots in extreme environments" at the 30th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation from June 28 – July 1, 2022 in Athens. The main topic was on learning-based control with performance guarantees for nonlinear…

SeaClear is part of an exhibition that marks the 20th anniversary of the Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich.