Picture of Xiaobing Dai

M.Sc. Xiaobing Dai

Technical University of Munich

Chair of Information-oriented Control (Prof. Hirche)

Short Biography

  • 02/2022 - present: PhD student at Chair of Information-Oriented Control (ITR), Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany
  • 10/2019 - 07/2021: M.Sc. in Mechatronics and Robotics, Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany.
  • 10/2018 - 06/2021: M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany.
  • 09/2013 - 06/2018: B.Sc. in Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and its Automation, Tongji University, China.
  • 09/2014 - 06/2016: Civil Engineering, Tongji University, China.


  • SS 2022: Advanced Control and Robotics Lab (ACRL) - Telepresence
  • WS 22/23: Dynamical Systems and Control Theory 2 (Regelungssystem 2)
  • SS 2023: Advanced Control and Robotics Lab (ACRL) - Robust Control
  • WS 23/24: Dynamical Systems and Control Theory 2 (Regelungssystem 2)
  • SS 2024: Advanced Control and Robotics Lab (ACRL) - Robust Control
  • SS 2024: Networked Control System (Vernetzte Regelung)

Research Interests

  • Networked Learning-based Control with Guarantee
  • Cooperative Learning for Distributed Control in Multi-Agent Systems
  • Event-triggered Learning for Control and Estimation


Motivated students are encouraged to contact me via E-mail if interested in doing their Bachelor's or Master's thesis under my supervision. Please include your CV and credentials with your application.

Currently available Thesis:

Event-triggered Learning for Safety-Critical Control via Parameterized Control Barrier Function (Sihua ZhangXiaobing DaiPDF) X      

Selected Publications

  • Yang, Zewen and Dai, Xiaobing and Dubey, Akshat and Hirche, Sandra, Hattab, Georges: Whom to Trust? Elective Learning for Distributed Gaussian Process Regression. 2024 mehr… BibTeX
  • Xiaobing Dai, Zewen Yang, Sihua Zhang, Di-Hua Zhai, Yuanqing Xia, Sandra Hirche: Cooperative Online Learning for Multi-Agent System Control via Gaussian Processes with Event-Triggered Mechanism. 2024 mehr… BibTeX
  • Xiaobing Dai, Huanzhuo Wu, Siyi Wang, Junjie Jiao, Giang T Nguyen, Frank HP Fitzek, Sandra Hirche: Fast IMU-based Dual Estimation of Human Motion and Kinematic Parameters via Progressive In-Network Computing. 2023 mehr… BibTeX
  • Xiaobing Dai, Armin Lederer, Zewen Yang, Sandra Hirche: Can Learning Deteriorate Control? Analyzing Computational Delays in Gaussian Process-Based Event-Triggered Online Learning. 2023 mehr… BibTeX
  • Xiaobing Dai: Dynamics and Control of Lattice Boom Cranes as Spatial Rigid-Flexible Multibody Systems. 2021 mehr… BibTeX