Picture of Annalena Daniels

M.Sc. Annalena Daniels

Technical University of Munich

Chair of Automatic Control Engineering (Prof. Buss)

Postal address

Theresienstr. 90
80333 München


Since 05/2021

Research Assistant/PhD Candidate
Chair of Automatic Control Engineering (LSR)
Technische Universität München (TUM), Germany

2018 - 2021

Master of Science, Mechanical Engineering
Focus: Systems Theory and Automatic Control, Methods of Modeling and Simulation
Master's Thesis: Sensitivity analysis of a biochemical reaction network using variance-based sensitivity algorithms
University of Stuttgart, Germany

2014 - 2018

Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Focus: Modeling and Simulation, Energy Technology
University of Applied Sciences Regensburg, Germany


  • Crops in a Closed-Loop Control System
  • Fault Diagnosis and Detection

Student Projects

You are looking for a bachelor's or master's thesis or a project (for example for your engineering or research practice)?

Feel free to contact me by email and ask about current topics. Please let me know which topic you are interested in and when you would like to start working. Please include your transcript of records and a short CV.

For a list of open projects, see also here.



  • Daniels, Annalena; Fink, Michael; Leibold, Marion; Wollherr, Dirk; Asseng, Senthold: Optimal Control for Indoor Vertical Farms Based on Crop Growth. IFAC-PapersOnLine 56 (2), 2023, 9887-9893 more… Full text ( DOI )
  • Daniels, Annalena; Kerz, Sebastian; Bari, Salman; Gabler, Volker; Wollherr, Dirk: Grasping in Uncertain Environments: A Case Study For Industrial Robotic Recycling. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), IEEE, 2023 more… Full text ( DOI )
  • Fink, Michael; Daniels, Annalena; Qian, Cheng; Velásquez, Víctor Martínez; Salotra, Sahil; Wollherr, Dirk: Comparison of Dynamic Tomato Growth Models for Optimal Control in Greenhouses. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Agrosystem Engineering, Technology & Applications (AGRETA), IEEE, 2023 more… Full text ( DOI )