Doctoral Candidates Seminar Electronic Design Automation

Lecturer (assistant)
Duration3 SWS
TermWintersemester 2024/25
Language of instructionGerman
Position within curriculaSee TUMonline

Admission information


Objective are, * to exchange information and knowledge, * to obtain ideas and feedback ("brainstorming").


Discussion of tasks and results of current PhD projects at the Institute of Electronic Design Automation.


Knowledge from Master studies.

Teaching and learning methods

Die jeweiligen Präsentationen erfolgen sowohl als fachlicher Vortrag wie auch formlos, mit oder ohne Folien, Handskizzen, auch nur mündlich. Termine werden von Mal zu Mal geplant oder kurzfristig anberaumt.


All courses

Bachelorbereich: BSc-EI, BSES, BSEDE

WS SS Diskrete Mathematik für Ingenieure (BSEI, EI00460) Discrete Mathematics for Engineers (BSEDE ) (Schlichtmann) (Januar)
WS SS Entwurf digitaler Systeme mit VHDL u. System C (BSEI, EI0690) (Ecker)
  SS Entwurfsverfahren für integrierte Schaltungen (BSES, EI43811) (Schlichtmann)
  SS Schaltungssimulation (BSEI, EI06691) (Gräb/Schlichtmann)


Masterbereich: MSc-EI, MSCE, ICD

  SS Advanced Topics in Communication Electronics (MSCE, MSEI, EI79002)  
  SS Electronic Design Automation (MSCE, MSEI, EI70610) (Schlichtmann, Tseng)  
WS   Design Methodology and Automation (ICD) (Schlichtmann) (Nov)  
WS SS Embedded System Design for Machine Learning (MSCE, MSEI, EI71040) (Ecker)  
  SS Simulation and Optimization of Analog Circuits (ICD) (Gräb) (Mai)  
  SS Mixed Integer Programming and Graph Algorithms in Engineering Problems (MSCE, MSEI, EI71059) (Tseng)  
WS SS Numerische Methoden der Elektrotechnik (MSEI, EI70440) (Schlichtmann oder Truppel)  




Seminar VLSI-Entwurfsverfahren (MSEI, EI7750) (Schlichtmann)

Seminar on Topics in Electronic Design Automation (MSCE, EI77502) (Schlichtmann)

WS SS Synthesis of Digital Systems (MSCE, MSEI, EI70640) (Geier)  
WS   Testing Digital Circuits (MSCE, MSEI, EI50141) (Otterstedt)  
WS SS VHDL System Design Laboratory (MSCE, MSEI, EI7403) (Schlichtmann)  

BSES: Bachelor of Science Engineering Science (TUM-ED)

BSEDE: Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Data Engineering (TUM-Asia)

ICD: Master of Science in Integrated Circuit Design (TUM-Asia)

MSCE: Master of Science in Communications Engineering (TUM)

MSEI: Master of Science in Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik

BSEI: Bachelor of Science in Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik