Dr.-Ing. Mohammad Hamad


Group Leader  Security for IoT and Automotive Systems 
E-Mail mohammad.hamad (at) tum.de
Telefon +49-(0)89-289-23557
Office 4947

Mohammad Hamad


Arcisstr. 21

D-80333 München

Personal Website



Mohammad Hamad is the "Security for IoT and Automotive Systems" research group leader in the Associate Professorship of Embedded Systems and Internet of Things in the Department of Computer Engineering at Technical University of Munich (TUM). Mohammad received his Ph.D. in computer engineering (Dr.-Ing.) from the Institute for Data Technology and Communication Networks at TU Braunschweig in 2020. Before his Ph.D, Mohamamd completed his bachelor in software engineering and information system at Aleppo University, Syria. 

Open Positions for Students

If you are interested in my area of research and are looking for a bachelor's thesis (BT), master's thesis (MT), or research internship (FP), feel free to contact me.

Open positions 
Type Topic 
MT [External] LLM Agents in Penetration Testing
MT [External] Security Test Scenario Framework for Automotive ECUs
MT Security Language for Autonomous Driving Systems Testing
FP/MT AI-based Attack Data Generation
FP /MT [External] Library-Level Access Control Using Hardware Assistance


Supervised Work

Master Thesis (MT), Bachelor Thesis (BT)

Maximilian Lüdecke On the resilience of autonomous vehicles against adversarial retroreflective patch attacks MT* Ongoing
Manish Kadam Comparative Analysis of AI-Driven Systems for Playbook Generation in Automated Incident Response MT* Ongoing
Davide Alessi Design and implementation of a Portable ECUs Emulation  System for the realisation of a hardware-based CTF Platform MT 2024
Rami Daouas Digital Twin  for Autonomous Vehicles  MT 2024
Marco Calipari Formal Security Analysis Of Zero Touch Onboarding Protocols MT 2024
Lorenz Teply Double Seeding for search space reduction when manipulating multiple sensor inputs for ADS fuzzing MT* 2024
Xinyi Huang Cost-efficient secure boot and secure update design for embedded systems used on automotive applications MT 2024
Jesser Bouzid Evaluating the Resilience of Multi-Sensor Fusion Methods MT* 2024
Jingyue Cheng Cybersecurity Testing and Evaluation of Autonomous Driving Sensor MT* 2024
Firas Hamila Design of a Zero-Knowledge Protocol Without Interaction for IIoT Applications MT 2023
Borna Blazevic Providing a Trusted Execution Environment in a Virtualized seL4 Based System MT 2023
Sherin Kalli Valappil Avoidance of security misuse through IDPS capabilities for highly automated and connected vehicles MT 2023
Eduardo Rodriguez Fernandez System implementation and analysis of a container-based SSH-accessible virtualized operating system platform MT* 2023
Souleima Abdelghani Security Evaluation of Library-based Access Control Mechanism MT 2023
Oliver Butowski SDN-based Countermeasures Against Time Delay Attacks MT* 2023
Mazen Mohamed
Automotive-Ethernet Security: Using Gateways to Split the Car's Ethernet Network into Security Zones MT 2023
Anshu Mathur Simulation-based attack data generation for connected and autonomous vehicles MT* 2023
Felix Montnacher Automated IDS ruleset analysis for open-source data extension MT 2022
Michael Kühr Analysis and Design of an Intrusion Response System for Autonomous Cars and the Internet of Vehicles MT 2022
Thomas Wakim Security Testbed for Time Synchronization in IoT Systems MT* 2022
Milind Mathai Derivation of a Formal Sensor and Attack Data Model for Autonomous Vehicles MT* 2022
Wenxuan Ye Data Management in Next Generation Mobile Communication System Based on Blockchain for Intelligent Services MT 2022
Moez Ben Ayed Analytical Study of Using Machine Learning for Intrusion Response System  BT 2022
Alexander Künzner Evaluating the Use of MISP as a Shared Threat Intelligence Repository for IoV BT 2021
Andreas Finkenzeller SenGen - An Automotive Simulation Framework to Generate Realistic Sensor and Attack Data MT* 2021
Hangmao Liu Implementation and Evaluation of IBE for Securing MQTT Protocol MT 2021

* co-supervision 


Course Name
Students Evaluation
IoT Security  Lecturer 

Winter: 22/2321/22

Summer: 20212024

Advanced Topics in IoT Security Lecturer 

Winter: 23/24

Summer: 2022

Software Architecture for Distributed Embedded Systems Tutor Winter: 20/21  
Advanced Seminar Embedded Systems and Internet of Things   Supervisor  

Summer: 2020, 2024

Winter: 20/21, 21/22




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