
| Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

Audiovisual scenes demonstrated in the real-time Simulated Open Field Environment (rtSOFE)

Interactive demonstration of the Underground and Pub audiovisual scenes in the real-time Simulated Open Field Environment (rtSOFE) at AIP TUM…

| Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Veröffentlichungen

New Database of acoustic and psychoacoustic stimuli published in new AIP Zenodo community

A new database with a range of common acoustic and psychoacoustic stimuli was published in the new data outlet of AIP on Zenodo.

TEDxTUM Adventure on World Hearing Day: "Discover your sound", 3 March @7pm

Workshop "Analysis of body motion behaviour" (27 January 2021)

This discussion workshop introduces approaches for analyzing different aspects of body motion behavior – from head and eye movements to categorizing…

| Veröffentlichungen

mp3 coding increases robustness of speech recognition systems against targeted attacks

Our new article by Andronic et al. at the SPECOM conference demonstrates that mp3 coding can help speech recognition systems to become more robust…

| Veröffentlichungen

Book chapter on Auditory room learning and adaptation to sound reflections published

A new comprehensive book chapter by Seeber and Clapp discusses novel theories on Auditory room learning and adaptation to sound reflections.

| Lehre, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

AIP now on YouTube!

Videos on psychoacoustics and communication acoustics by Prof. Seeber are now available on YouTube!

| Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

Young and old enthused by research at the Forscha in Munich

"Science fairs like FORSCHA allow young people to immerse themselves directly in the exciting world of the natural sciences", said the Bavarian…

Congratulations to Dr. Gabriel Gomez

Congratulations to Dr. Gabriel Gomez for the publication of his PhD-thesis "Consolidating natural spatial perception and improved SNR in hearing aids:…

Article of Prof. Seeber in Bernstein Feature Magazine

The recently published article of Prof. Seeber in the magazine "Bernstein Feature" of the Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience reports about…