Courses in the Winter Semester

Course Title Lecturer Target Audience Language
Schaltungstheorie Michael Joham with Julia Sistermanns Bachelor EI, 1st Semester German
Stochastische Signale Wolfgang Utschick with Michael Würth Bachelor EI, 3rd Semester German
Systeme der Signalverarbeitung Michael Joham with Michael Baur Bachelor EI, 5th Semester German
Convex Optimization Wolfgang Utschick with Benedikt Böck Master EI and MSCE English
MIMO Systems Michael Joham with Donia Ben Amor Master EI and MSCE English
Adaptive and Array Signal Processing Michel T. Ivrlac Master EI and MSCE English
Circuit Theory and Communications Michel T. Ivrlac Master EI English
Multirate Signal Processing Dietmar Wenzel Master EI and MSCE English
Seminar on Signal Processing in Communications Wolfgang Utschick MSCE English
Technische Elektrizitätslehre I für Lehramt Michel T. Ivrlac Lehramt German
Machine Learning and Data Science Wolfgang Utschick with Benedikt Fesl Bachelor Management and Technology English
Principles of Information Engineering Andreas Gründinger Bachelor/Master Management and Technology English

Courses in the Summer Semester