1st Release of HyperFLEX - Framework for Flexible and Dynamic SDN Virtualization

"Putting advanced 5G network slicing into practice!" - GitHub repo for HyperFLEX: github.com/tum-lkn/HyperFLEX

We are happy to announce the first public code release of

"HyperFLEX - Framework for Flexible and Reliable SDN Virtualization"

putting advanced 5G network slicing into practice!

The virtualization (slicing) of Software Defined Networks (SDN) allows multiple tenants to share the physical infrastructure, where each tenant can bring its own controller. In order to virtualize (slice) SDN networks, network hypervisors are deployed between the physical infrastructure and the tenants' controllers.

HyperFLEX is a management framework that provides several features for flexible and reliable SDN virtualization:

  • - Automated admission control, with APIs for tenants to request virtual SDN slices with their own requirements.
  • - Flexible network hypervisor functions deployment on servers (as software) or on available processing capacity of network nodes.
  • - Reliable performance and resources isolation for SDN slices, considering both data as well as control planes, according to the requirements of each tenant.
  • - Protection for network hypervisor computing resources from exhaustion and over-utilization.
  • - Performance monitoring for SDN slices, physical infrastructure and network hypervisors' resources.

Here is the public GitHub repo for HyperFLEX: https://github.com/tum-lkn/HyperFLEX with more information, references and the code

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