Aktuelle Informationen

The tutoring team of the Daedalus project is looking for reinforcement for the winter semester to set up and deliver 3D Printing workshops.

Generative Modelle wie Transformers [1] und Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) [2] sind in den letzten Jahren immer mehr ins Zentrum des Interesses der akademischen und nicht-akademischen Welt gerückt. Algorithmen wie StyleGAN [3] und DALL-E [4] sind mittlerweile in der Lage, nahezu photorealistische Bilder zu generieren. In dieser Masterarbeit geht es darum, Generative Modelle so anzupassen…

The tutoring team of the Daedalus project is looking for reinforcement for the winter semester to set up and deliver 3D Printing workshops.

After a long break, researchers, industry partners, funders and project coordinators finally met again for a Software Campus Summit. In addition to the opportunity for scientific and personal exchange, the program once again offered the Science Slam format, in which active program participants and alumni compete. In a five-minute popular science presentation, the candidates try to infect the…

Are You Interested in AI, Additive Manufacturing , Generative Design and its applications on an industrial level ? Your thesis is approaching ? Then join us and Hyperganic in this 2 day workshop where you'll learn the behind the scenes of the industry of tomorrow. Selected participants may be offered the opportunity to apply the learnings from the workshop and integrate them with AI in a thesis or…