Dr. Patricia Capsi Morales
Postal address
Professorship for Healthcare and Rehabilitation Robotics (Prof. Piazza)
TUM/Siemens Technology Center - Area C
Friedrich-Ludwig-Bauer-Straße 3
85748 Garching bei München, Germany
Office: C2.013
Short Bio
Patricia Capsi Morales did her PhD in Information Engineering at the Italian institute of technology and University of Pisa, Italy under the supervision of Prof. Antonio Bicchi. She conducted a period abroad at Imperial College London with Prof. Dario Farina and a 1-months visit at Arizona State University with Prof. Marco Santello. Her thesis won the IEEE Italy Section 2022 PHD Thesis Award on New Challenges for Energy and Industry – Technology. Moreover, she participated in Cybathlon 2020 Global Edition as a member of the SoftHand Pro Team, where they won the silver medal, and she was in charge of the management of the team.
She is currently pursuing her career in the field of assistive and rehabilitation robotics as a Senior Research Scientist at the Technical University of Munich with Prof. Cristina Piazza. Her main research interests focus on the application and development of soft synergy-based robotics technologies in upper-limb prostheses, neural interfacing and body representation.