Students Projects

Master Thesis / Bachelor Thesis / Internship / Forschungspraxis (EI)

Using Deep Learning Techniques for Hand Gesture Classification

  • This thesis explores the use of deep learning techniques such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) to accurately classify hand gestures in human grasping. By using sEMG signals captured with high-density sEMG (HDsEMG) sensors, the aim is to improve the understanding and accuracy of gesture recognition in the context of advanced grasping movements. [Contact us]

Spatial-temporal information from high density surface electromyographic sensors in grasping movements

  • This thesis explores signal features to obtain specific classification of the movements included, that can then be used to control artificial limbs [Contact us]

Serious game framework for myoelectric control validation and assessment

  • The student will develop different serious games that can be used to control a virtual prosthesis with one/more degrees of freedom. [Contact us]

Virtual Reality for Neurorehabilitation

  • The task for this project is to develop a virtual reality environment to test and evaluate advanced myoelectric control methods in terms of functionalities and sense of embodiment. [Contact us]

Design of a soft prosthetic wrist

  • This project consists of the design of a soft prosthetic wrist. This design will allow future studies on where to place softness in assistive robotics for more natural and safe interaction with the environment.  [Contact us]

Design of Variable Stiffness joints for Upper-Limb prosthetics

  • This project consists of the design and development of a new prosthetic joint that provides users with variable stiffness levels for better adaptation. [Contact us]

Design and development of a prosthetic foot

  • This project consists on the design of a prosthetic foot able to comply with uneven terrains and to absorb shocks [Contact us]

Design of a User Interface for EMG Signal Acquisition

  • The task is to design an intutive user interface for data acquisition and biological signal processing (i.e. using surface EMG sensors). [Contact us]

Circuit Design of sEMG Processing Boards for Prostheses

  • The project consists on the design of electronic boards to process signals from surface EMG sensors. [Contact us]

Haptic feedback for prosthetics and telerobotics

  • The thesis aims to design a device that can be used in prosthetics to give amputees different haptic feedback (force feedback, proprioception feedback, emotional feedback) and in teleoperation to return haptic feedback to the user teleoperating the robot. [Contact us]