Staatssekretär Weigert visits 5G Research Lab Munich @ LKN&LMT

On January 15, 2020 State Secretary Roland Weigert from the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs Regional Development and Energy, has visited the 5G Research Hub Munich the joint project of LKN and LMT

For the first time a "haptic joystic-to-robot" low latency control of a telepresence robot was demonstrated over an end-to-end sliced 5G core and radio access network in our lab's experimental 5G platform.

The 5G Research Hub Munich targets the development of an experimental 5G platform at the Technical University of Munich based on a joint research projectstarted in 2019 between the Chair of Communication Networks (Prof. Wolfgang Kellerer) and the Chair of Media Technology (Prof. Eckehard Steinbach) funded by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy.

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