LKN contributions at ACM SIGCOMM 2018
- Patrick Kalmbach has been selected as a finalist in the Student Research Competition (SRC) - congratulations!!!
- perfbench: A Tool for Predictability Analysis in Multi-Tenant Software-Defined Networks Andreas Blenk, Arsany Basta, Laurenz Henkel, Johannes Zerwas (TU Munich, Germany), Stefan Schmid (Univie, Austria), Wolfgang Kellerer (TU Munich, Germany)
- Modeling IP-to-IP Communication Using the Weighted Stochastic Block Model Patrick Kalmbach, Lion Gleiter, Johannes Zerwas, Andreas Blenk, Wolfgang Kellerer (TU Munich, Germany), Stefan Schmid (Univie, Austria)
- Empowering Self-Driving Networks Patrick Kalmbach, Johannes Zerwas, Péter Babarczi, Andreas Blenk, Wolfgang Kellerer (TU Munich, Germany), Stefan Schmid (Univie, Austria)
- W. Kellerer: How Flexible is Your Network? A Proposal to Quantify Flexibility in Softwarized Networks (ERC Networking Sysposium)
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