
In the IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop (CVPRW) called Embedded Vision (EV) in Boston Philipp Tiefenbacher received an award for the best poster presentation for his presentation  "Off-the-Shelf Sensor Integration for mono-SLAM on Smart Devices".

Philipp Tiefenbacher received the award for the best teaching for its central exercise in signal representation of the student council of the MSE!

Third Place in the OCEAN'S15 MTS/IEEE Student Poster Competition, Genova, Italy, May 20, 2015 -> Certificate

An Interview with the Leader of the International Junior Research Group VESPA, Dr. Michael Dorr, on the subject "Eyetracking and Google Glass" was published in January 2015 in the Scientific American, 01/2015

In May 2014 some newspaper articles were published about the project HOL-I-WOOD PR, which is financed by the EU Euro am Sonntag [pdf 96kB], Nürnberger Zeitung [pdf 66kB], Münchner Merkur [pdf 578kB]

Winner of Best Poster Award on ISMAR, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, November 5-8, 2012 -> certificate

Winner of the 2nd `CHiME' Speech Separation and Recognition Challenge (Track 1) and Best Paper Award on the CHiME Workshop, Vancouver, Canada, June 1st 2013 -> certificate