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The Chair of Data Processing (Department of Computer Engineering, CIT) offers an IDP in which a bitstream parser for encoded video is to be implemented in order to extract information such as motion, DCT coefficients etc.

The tutoring team of the Daedalus project is looking for reinforcement for the winter semester to set up and deliver 3D Printing workshops.

Generative Modelle wie Transformers [1] und Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) [2] sind in den letzten Jahren immer mehr ins Zentrum des Interesses der akademischen und nicht-akademischen Welt gerückt. Algorithmen wie StyleGAN [3] und DALL-E [4] sind mittlerweile in der Lage, nahezu photorealistische Bilder zu generieren. In dieser Masterarbeit geht es darum, Generative Modelle so anzupassen…

The tutoring team of the Daedalus project is looking for reinforcement for the winter semester to set up and deliver 3D Printing workshops.