
Invited Talk by Prof. Herkersdorf at HiPEAC 2019

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Prof. Herkersdorf gave an invited talk on self-aware MPSoC system optimization at the RAPIDO workshop of HiPEAC 2019 Conference in Valencia, Spain. The focus of the RAPIDO workshop is on methods and tools for rapid simulation and performance evaluation in embedded and high performance system design. The talk presented previous and current work in the context of IPF (Information Processing Factory), a collaborative project between TU Braunschweig, UC Irvine and LIS of TU München which is funded by the DFG and NSF. The IPF approach allows by layered machine learning techniques to defer classical design time tasks for system optimization into runtime, means when the MPSoC is already deployed in the field. HiPEAC is a European network of almost 2,000 world-class computing systems researchers, industry representatives and students.