Aktuelle Ausschreibungen für Masterarbeiten

Master's Thesis, Bachelor's Thesis, Forschungspraxis |

Smart Sports: Innovative Echtzeit-Auswertung von hochfrequenten Sensordaten im Sport (z.B. Spielanalyse im Fußball, Basketball, Eishockey...)

BA/MA/DA-Thema: Smart Sports: Innovative Echtzeit-Auswertung  von hochfrequenten Sensordaten im Sport (z.B. Spielanalyse im Fußball, Basketball,…

Master's Thesis, Aktuelles, Bachelor's Thesis, offen |

Gradient Temporal Difference Learning

Imagine you are driving a car up a hill. This normally does not pose any problem. Now imagine, you have a very heavy car with an engine not powerful…

Master's Thesis, Aktuelles, Bachelor's Thesis, offen |

Sparse Bayesian Modelling

Someone gives you a stick and your task is to balance this stick upright with your flat hand, without holding the stick itself. For most humans this…

Master's Thesis, Aktuelles, Bachelor's Thesis, Ulrich Kirchmaier, Forschungspraxis, W00CGN-newscat-lkn |

Depth from monocular cues – comparison and combinations

Depth from Mono, or Shape from X, is a vibrant field in computer vision, which aims to estimate the underlying 3D structure of a scene on the basis of…

Master's Thesis, Bachelor's Thesis, jobs_extern |

Untersuchung von alternativen Farbfiltermatrizen für den Bildsensor in digitalen Kameras

Forschungs-/Industriepraktikum bzw. Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit, siehe angehängte pdf-Datei Tamara Seybold; Tel. 089 3809-1394; Email:…

Master's Thesis, Martin Rothbucher |

Robotic Gaze Control using Reinforcement Learning

This thesis examines how adaptive control can learn to point a camera at the active speaker in a conversation. A motivating scenario for this problem…

Master's Thesis, Bachelor's Thesis, offen |

Entwicklung von kombinierten Belegungskarten für Fahrerassistenzsysteme

Fahrerassistenzsysteme (FAS) bieten dem Fahrer immer mehr Sicherheit und Komfort. Die Qualität eines FAS hängt stark davon ab, wie gut das Umfeld des…

Master's Thesis, Bachelor's Thesis, Videolabor, Christian Keimel |

Qualitätsmessung von Videosignalen für den Bereich High-Quality Image Processing

Diplom-, Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit in Kooperation mit ARRI

Master's Thesis, Martin Rothbucher |

Online Speaker Recognition for Teleconferencing Systems

This thesis describes an online speaker recognition as part of an immersive system for teleconferencing, developed at the Institute for Data…

Master's Thesis, Martin Rothbucher |

Sound Localization and Separation for Teleconferencing Systems

Nowadays, a table-top microphone system, which is used for teleconferencing, is usually in- stalled in conferencing rooms. Using such conference…