
Laboratory Digital Speech- and Image-Processing

Lecturer (assistant)
TypePractical course
Duration4 SWS
TermWintersemester 2023/24
Language of instructionGerman
Position within curriculaSee TUMonline
DatesSee TUMonline


  • 16.10.2023 17:45-18:15 Online: Videokonferenz / Zoom etc.,

Admission information


The laboratory DSB covers all important basics within the areas of Pattern Recognition as well as Speech- and Image-Processing. The lecture Signaldarstellung provides all relevant prerequisites for a successful accomplishment of the PMMK. Via an intuitive browser-interface this practical course introduces the participant into the following topics within 6 experiments: Modelling and classification of signals, analysis of speech signals, speech processing, speech recognition, various methods of image analysis, and the well known JPEG algorithm for image compression. The participants have the opportunity to experience and understand the mode of operation of the introduced algorithms with prepared speech, sound, and image samples. It is recommended to conduct almost all experiment tasks with own or self-created sounds and images for a maximum teaching effectiveness. The practical course can be conducted anytime at any multimedia PC with www-access. There are no special requirements to the client PC, except the possibility to play sound-files. The computing power is irrelevant, since all computations are performed on the server. No limitations exist regarding field of study, semester and number of participants.





Title SWS
Sem. ECTS Studien-
EI00330 Signaltheorie 3/2/0 WS 5 B.Sc.
EI0632 Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation 1 (only WS23/24) 2/1/0 WS 5 B.Sc.
EI0633 Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation 2 (only SS2023) 2/1/0 SS 5 B.Sc.
EI70150 Pattern Recognition (only SS2023) 2/2/0 SS 5 M.Sc.
EI7521 Musikalische Akustik (only SS2023) 2/0/0 SS 3 M.Sc.
EI7606 Gestaltung ergonom. Benutzungsoberflächen (only SS2023) 2/0/0 SS 5 M.Sc.
EI71107 Intelligente Verfahren in der Elektromobilität 2/2/0 SS 5 M.Sc.
EI10013 Signal- und Musterverarbeitung (only SS2023) 2/1/0 SS 3 B.Sc.

Practical Courses



Title SWS
Sem. ECTS Studien-
EI0656 Praktikum Digitale Sprach- und Bildverarbeitung (only WS23/24) 0/0/4 WS/SS 5 B.Sc.
EI0664 Praktikum System- und Schaltungstechnik 0/0/4 WS 6 B.Sc.




Title Sem. ECTS Studien-
EI7745 Hauptseminar Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation (only WS23/24) WS/SS 5 M.Sc.
  Oberseminar Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation