
Speaker Date Title

Prof. Takuya Kiyokawa

Nov. 6, 2023

CAD-Based Robotic Assembly/Disassembly Planning

Dr. Sylvain Calinon Dez. 4, 2023

Robot Learning from few Samples by Exploiting the Structure and Geometry of Data

Majid Khadiv

Jan. 22, 2024 Optimal control and learning for legged locomotion
Dr. Johannes Englsberger (DLR) Feb. 5,2024 Towards General Purpose Robotics - or: how Generic Impedance Controls can contribute to that goal ?!
Sylvain Calinon (Senior Researcher) Feb. 13, 2024 Robot learning from few samples by exploiting the structure and geometry of data   
Konrad Fründ (DLR)

Apr. 22, 2024

Bioinspired Fundamentals and Mechanisms for the Design of a Running Humanoid Robot
Timothy NG Apr. 29, 2024 SNAPP, An Agile Robotic Fish with 3-D Maneuverability for Open Water Swim

Imene Tarakli

Jun. 24, 2024 Learning while Sleeping: Integrating Sleep-Inspired Consolidation with Human Feedback Learning

Prof. Albrecht Schmidt and Sven Mayer

Jul. 1, 2024 Enjoying Time with Robots: Design Interactive Robots That Are Fun to Interact with