Florian Lercher joined the Cyber Physical Systems Group as a research assistant and PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Althoff in April 2023. He received his Bachelor's degree in Informatics from Technical University of Munich in 2020 and his Master's degree in Software Engineering from the University of Augsburg, Technical University of Munich, and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich in 2022. His research revolves around traffic rule-compliant motion planning for autonomous vehicles. In particular, he focuses on specification-compliant reachability analysis to accelerate motion planners by limiting their search space.
Offered Thesis Topics
I am always looking for self-motivated students to solve interesting problems arising in my research areas. If you are interested in one of the currently available topics, simply send me an e-mail with your up-to-date CV and transcript of records attached. You are welcome to propose thesis topics of your own!
Currently available:
[MA] - On-the-Fly Extraction of Driving Corridors Using Heuristic-Based Search
[BA] - Situation-Aware Simplification of Temporal Logic Specifications for Autonomous Vehicles
Lecture - Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (WS 2023)
Propositional logic and first-order logic
Practical course - Verification, Controller Synthesis, and Design of Cyber-Physical Systems (WS 2023, SS 2024)
Traffic rule predicates for specification-compliant reachability analysis