Speakers biographies

  • Prof. Dongheui Lee has as research interests machine learning for robots and cognitive robotics. She also evaluates and analyzes human motion and human-robot-interaction. In recognition of her achievements in research, Dongheui Lee was named a Carl von Linde Junior Fellow of the TUM Institute for Advanced Study in 2011.Prof. Lee studied mechanical engineering at Kyung Hee University in Seoul, South Korea, and did her doctorate at the University of Tokyo in 2007. From 2001 to 2004, she was a research fellow at Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), where she developed a navigation algorithm for mobile robots. After her doctorate, she worked as project assistant professor at the University of Tokyo’s Department of Mechano-Informatics (2007-09). Since 2009, Prof. Lee has been junior professor of dynamic human-robot interaction at TUM. She conducted research as part of the Cognition for Technical Systems (CoTeSys) cluster of excellence.
  • Sara Adams joined Google Munich, Germany, as a software engineer in 2009. She holds a PhD in computer science and an MSc in mathematics and computer science, both from the University of Oxford. She is also an Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship finalist (2007) and scholar (2008), and was the first intern in Google's Munich office (2008). Outside of work Sara Adams enjoys spending time with her family, including her two sons (1, 3), staying fit, and is an avid origami enthusiast. She is a firm believer in following your passion in all you do.
  • Christina Lichtenthäler finished her PhD at the faculty of Computer Science from the Technical University of Munich in 2014 under the supervision of Alexandra Kirsch. She finished her Master studies at the University of Hildesheim in 2010. Currently she works in Autoliv as software team leader. Her research interests are machine learning, cognitive systems, automotive software engineering and robotics.