Laura Lützow joined the Cyber Physical Systems Group as a research assistant and PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Althoff in 2022. She received her bachelor's degree in Mechatronics from Technical University of Ilmenau in 2020 and her master's degree in Robotics, Cognition and Intelligence from Technical University of Munich in 2022. Laura wrote her master’s thesis about density-based motion planning at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Her current research focuses on model identification and conformance checking for safe motion planning.
Offered Thesis Topics
I am always looking for self-motivated students that want to work in my research area. If you are interested in writing your thesis about model conformance or parameter identification, please write me a mail containing CV and transcript.
Lützow, Laura; Althoff, Matthias: Scalable Reachset-Conformant Identification of Linear Systems. IEEE Control Systems Letters 8, 2024, 520-525 more…
Lützow, Laura; Althoff, Matthias: Reachability Analysis of ARMAX Models. 2023 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2023 more…
Lützow, Laura; Meng, Yue; Armijos, Andres Chavez; Fan, Chuchu: Density Planner: Minimizing Collision Risk in Motion Planning with Dynamic Obstacles using Density-based Reachability. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), IEEE, 2023 more…