Using Smart Networks for HPC
Modern HPC systems are usually made up of individual, independent nodes with their own operating system instances. These are linked by high performance networks, but which are mostly passive, i.e., they are only used for data exchange between the nodes; the computing nodes are responsible for all execution tasks. Smart networks, i.e. networks in which network adapters and switches are reconfigurable and programmable, offer new possibilities for transferring specific tasks to the network and thus relieving the actual computing nodes.
However, this can only be achieved by radically restructuring the system and software architecture. As part of ScalNEXT, we are developing new approaches that allow calculations to be outsourced to the network, central network resources to be used for central services or the nodes to be relieved of the burden of controlling communication and this to be carried out on the network adapters instead. This will enable both higher computing power and greater scalability.