Jurosch, Franziska; Kröger, Nicolai; Kolb, Sven; Mehmeti, Fidan; Martens, Eimo; Speidel, Stefanie; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Wilhelm, Dirk; Fuchtmann, Jonas: 6G networks for the operating room of the future. Progress in Biomedical Engineering 6 (4), 2024, 043001 mehr…BibTeX
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Kolb, Sven; Madden, Andrew; Kröger, Nicolai; Mehmeti, Fidan; Jurosch, Franziska; Bernhard, Lukas; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Wilhelm, Dirk: 6G in Medical Robotics: Development of Network Allocation Strategies for a Telerobotic Examination System. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS), 2024 mehr…BibTeX
Kolb, Sven; Jurosch, Franziska; Kröger, Nicolai; Mehmeti, Fidan; Bernhard, Lukas; Fuchtmann, Jonas; Speidel, Stefanie; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Wilhelm, Dirk: 6G in Clinical Applications: Integrating New Network Approaches in Healthcare. Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering 10 (2), 2024, 33-36 mehr…BibTeX
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Kröger, Nicolai; Harkous,Hasanin; Mehmeti, Fidan; Kellerer, Wolfgang: Performance Modeling and Analysis of P4 Programmable Devices With General Service Times. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), 2024 mehr…BibTeX
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Mehmeti, Fidan; Papa, Arled; Kellerer, Wolfgang; La Porta, Thomas F.: Minimizing Rate Variability with Effective Resource Utilization in Cellular Networks. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024, 1-17 mehr…BibTeX
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Konferenzbeiträge / Poster
Nalcaci, Atilla Alpay; Mehmeti, Fidan; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Schiegg, Florian: Evaluation and Optimization of Positional Accuracy for Maritime Positioning Systems. IEEE WoWMoM, 2024 mehr…BibTeX
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Prado, Anna; Ding, Zifan; Mehmeti, Fidan; Kellerer, Wolfgang;: Mobility Management for Computation-Intensive Tasks in Cellular Networks with SD-RAN. 20th International Conference on Network and Service Management, 2024 mehr…BibTeX
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Rublein, Caroline; Mehmeti, Fidan; Mahon, Mark; La Porta, Tom: Impact of Client Choice on Distributed Resource Allocation in Edge Computing. The 33rd International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2024), 2024 mehr…BibTeX
S. Kolb, A. Madden, N. Kröger, F. Mehmeti, F. Jurosch, L. Bernhard, W. Kellerer, D. Wilhelm: 6G in Medical Robotics: Development of Network Allocation Strategies for a Telerobotic Examination System. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS) 2024, 2024 mehr…BibTeX
Ayvasik, Serkut; Mehmeti, Fidan; Babaians, Edwin; Kellerer, Wolfgang: PEACH: Proactive and Environment-Aware Channel State Information Prediction with Depth Images. Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems (POMACS/Proc. ACM SIGMETRICS’23) 7 (1), 2023, 1-27 mehr…BibTeX
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Felemban, Noor; Mehmeti, Fidan; Porta, Thomas F. La; Kwon, Heesung: EDIR: Efficient Distributed Image Retrieval of Novel Objects in Mobile Networks. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2023, 1-13 mehr…BibTeX
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Haider, Valentin Thomas; Mehmeti, Fidan; Cantarero, Ana; Kellerer, Wolfgang: Joint α-Fair Allocation of RAN and Computing Resources to URLLC Users in 5G. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2023 mehr…BibTeX
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Hoffmann, Marco; Kunzmann, Gerald; Dudda, Torsten; Irmer, Ralf; Jukan, Admela; Macher, Gordana; Ahmad, Abdullah; Beenen, Florian R.; Bröring, Arne; Fellhauer, Felix; Fettweis, Gerhard; Fitzek, Frank H. P.; Franchi, Norman; Gast, Florian; Haberland, Bernd; Hoppe, Sandra; Joodaki, Sadaf; Kuruvatti, Nandish P.; Li, Chu; Lopez, Miguel; Mehmeti, Fidan; Meyerhoff, Thomas; Miretti, Lorenzo; Nguyen, Giang T.; Parvini, Mohammad; Pries, Rastin; Schaefer, Rafael F.; Schneider, Peter; Schupke, Dominic; Strassner, Stephanie; Stubbe, Henning; Voicu, Andra M.: A secure and resilient 6G architecture vision of the German flagship project 6G-ANNA. IEEE Access, 2023, 1-1 mehr…BibTeX
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Kröger, Nicolai; Mehmeti, Fidan; Harkous, Hasanin; Kellerer, Wolfgang: Performance Analysis of General P4 Forwarding Devices with Controller Feedback: Single- and Multi-Data Plane Cases. Computer Communications, 2023 mehr…BibTeX
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Mehmeti, Fidan; La Porta, Thomas F.; Kellerer, Wolfgang: Efficient Resource Allocation with Provisioning Constrained Rate Variability in Cellular Networks. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2023, 1-18 mehr…BibTeX
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Papa, Arled; Kutsevol, Polina; Mehmeti, Fidan; Kellerer, Wolfgang: Delphi: Computing the Maximum Achievable Throughput in SD-RAN Environments. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2023, 1-1 mehr…BibTeX
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Prado, Anna; Stoeckeler, Franziska; Mehmeti, Fidan; Patrick, Kraemer; Kellerer, Wolfgang: Enabling Proportionally-Fair Mobility Management with Reinforcement Learning in 5G Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (IEEE JSAC) (3GPP Technologies: 5G-Advanced and Beyond), 2023 mehr…BibTeX
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Haider, Valentin Thomas; Mehmeti, Fidan; Cantarero, Ana; Kellerer, Wolfgang: Joint α-Fair Allocation of RAN and Computing Resources to Vehicular Users with URLLC Traffic. Proc. of 2023 IEEE 20th Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), 2023 mehr…BibTeX
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Jano, Alba; Alejandre Garana, Pablo; Mehmeti, Fidan; Mas-Machuca, Carmen; Kellerer, Wolfgang: Modeling of IoT Devices Energy Consumption in 5G Networks. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2023 mehr…BibTeX
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Mehmeti, Fidan; Haider, Valentin Thomas; Kellerer, Wolfgang: Admission Control for URLLC Traffic with Computation Requirements in 5G and Beyond. Proc. of 2023 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), 2023 mehr…BibTeX
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Mehmeti, Fidan; Kellerer, Wolfgang: Proportionally Fair Resource Allocation in SD-RAN. Proc. of IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), 2023 mehr…BibTeX
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Kolb, Sven; Jurosch, Franziska; Kröger, Nicolai; Mehmeti, Fidan; Bernhard, Lukas; Fuchtmann, Jonas; Speidel, Stefanie; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Wilhelm, Dirk: 6G in Clinical Applications: Integrating New Network Approaches in Healthcare. CURAC 2023, 2023, 4 mehr…BibTeX
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Mehmeti, Fidan; Kellerer, Wolfgang: Delay Fairness in 5G Networks with SD-RAN. The 32nd International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2023), 2023 mehr…BibTeX
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Sorensen Wheatman, Kristina; Mehmeti, Fidan; Mahon, Mark; La Porta, Thomas: QoE-Analysis of 5G Network Resource Allocation Schemes for Competitive Multi-User Video Streaming Applications. 97th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (IEEE VTC2023-Spring), 2023 mehr…BibTeX
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Burke, Quinn; Mehmeti, Fidan; George, Rahul; Ostrowski, Kyle; Jaeger, Trent; La Porta, Thomas F.; McDaniel, Patrick: Enforcing Multilevel Security Policies in Unstable Networks. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 19 (3), 2022, 2349-2365 mehr…BibTeX
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Felemban, Noor; Mehmeti, Fidan; Porta, Thomas F. La: VidQ: Video Query Using Optimized Audio-Visual Processing. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2022, 1-15 mehr…BibTeX
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Wheatman, Kristina Sorensen; Mehmeti, Fidan; Mahon, Mark; Qiu, Hang; Chan, Kevin S.; La Porta, Thomas F.: Optimal Resource Allocation for Crowdsourced Image Processing. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2022, 1-15 mehr…BibTeX
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Wheatman, Kristina; Mehmeti, Fidan; Mahon, Mark; La Porta, Thomas F.; Cao, Guohong: EQMS: An improved energy-aware and QoE-aware video streaming policy across multiple competitive mobile devices. Wireless Networks, 2022 mehr…BibTeX
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Jano, Alba; Ganesan, Rakash SivaSiva; Mehmeti, Fidan; Ayvasik, Serkut; Kellerer,Wolfgang: Energy-Efficient and Radio Resource Control State Aware Resource Allocation with Fairness Guarantees. 20th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt 2022), 2022 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Kröger, Nicolai; Harkous, Hasanin; Mehmeti, Fidan; Kellerer, Wolfgang: Looking Beyond the First Moment: Analysis of Packet-related Distributions in P4 Systems with Controller Feedback. International Teletraffic Conference (ITC) 34, 2022, 9 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Kröger, Nicolai; Mehmeti, Fidan; Harkous, Hasanin; Kellerer, Wolfgang: Performance Analysis of General P4 Forwarding Devices with Controller Feedback. Proceedings of the International Conference on Modeling Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM) 2022, ACM, 2022, 10 mehr…BibTeX
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Mehmeti, Fidan; Kellerer, Wolfgang: Max-min Fair Resource Allocation in SD-RAN. Proc. of ACM Q2Winet, 2022 mehr…BibTeX
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Mehmeti, Fidan; La Porta, Thomas F.: Modeling and Analysis of mMTC Traffic in 5G Base Stations. 2022 IEEE 19th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), IEEE, 2022 mehr…BibTeX
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Papa, Arled; Kutsevol, Polina; Mehmeti, Fidan; Kellerer, Wolfgang: Effects of SD-RAN Control Plane Design on User Quality of Service. IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft), 2022 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Prado, Anna; Gölitz, Dennis; Mehmeti, Fidan; Kellerer, Wolfgang: Proportionally Fair Resource Allocation Considering Geometric Blockage Modeling for Improved Mobility Management in 5G. Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Symposium on QoS and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks on 18th ACM International Symposium on QoS and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks, ACM, 2022 mehr…BibTeX
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Rublein, Caroline; Mehmeti, Fidan; Gunes, Taha D.; Stein, Sebastian; La Porta, Thomas F.: Scalable Resource Allocation Techniques for Edge Computing Systems. 2022 International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), IEEE, 2022 mehr…BibTeX
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