News Archive

| Talks

Talk: Dr. Mohammad Moltafet (February 24, 2022 at 1:00 PM, LNT Seminar room N2407)

On February 24, 2022 at 1:00 PM, Dr. Mohammad Moltafet from University of Oulu, Finland will be giving a talk in the ICE Seminar room N2407 and via Zoom about "Information Freshness in Wireless Networks".

| Talks

Talk: Peter Neuhaus (February 11, 2022 at 11:00 AM, LNT Seminar room N2409)

On February 11, 2022 at 11:00 AM, Peter Neuhaus from TU Dresden will be giving a talk in the ICE Seminar room N2409 and via Zoom about "Design of Wideband Communications Systems: Mitigating the Analog-to-Digital Conversion Bottleneck".

| Sonstiges

SZ Article with Prof. Norbert Hanik: So werden Unterseekabel repariert

| Sonstiges

SRF Podcast with Prof. Norbert Hanik: Was hat eine Googlesuche mit dem Vulkanausbruch vor Tonga zu tun?

| Sonstiges

Podcast with Norbert Hanik: Unterseekabel - Lebensadern der Informationsgesellschaft