VDE Ehrenurkunde 2020 awarded to Prof. Kellerer

Prof. Kellerer wurde für aussergewöhnliches ehrenamtliches Engagement für die ITG mit der VDE Ehrenurkunde 2020 ausgezeichnet

Prof Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Kellerer has been awarded with the  "VDE Ehrenurkunde 2020" for his exceptional voluntary committment for the Informationstechnische Gesellschaft (ITG) within the VDE and for his exceptional merits with the organization of the regularly held conference "NetSys", which has been for the first time co-organized with the ITG Future of Networking Symposium (ITG Zukunft der Netze), in particular.

For more details see:

The award ceremony itself has been postponed to 2021.


Recent Publications

  • Nalcaci, Atilla Alpay; Mehmeti, Fidan; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Schiegg, Florian: Evaluation and Optimization of Positional Accuracy for Maritime Positioning Systems. IEEE WoWMoM, 2024 more…
  • Mehmeti, Fidan; Papa, Arled; Kellerer, Wolfgang; La Porta, Thomas F.: Minimizing Rate Variability with Effective Resource Utilization in Cellular Networks. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024, 1-17 more…
  • Prado, Anna; Ciki, Merve; Mehmeti, Fidan; Kellerer, Wolfgang;: Enhanced Mobility Management with SD-RAN in 5G Networks. IFIP/IEEE Networking 2024, 2024 more…