Student Works

Many interesting topics for bachelor's and master's theses never make it to the website because they are already assigned beforehand. Therefore, please check which staff member is working on projects and supervising thesis work in the area that interests you the most, and inquire directly with him or her about current topics!

Important information about the application process can be found in the wiki.


For your written assignment as well as your presentation, you are welcome to use our templates. Both are based on the LaTeX typesetting system and help you achieve a neat and consistent appearance for your work.

You can find them in the wiki: Bachelor's Thesis, Research Internship, Master's Thesis

List of available topics and presentation dates

Aktuelles, jobs_extern, Forschungspraxis |

Studentenjob und Forschungspraxis bei fortiss

Infos s. pdf, Kontakt bitte direkt über fortiss!

IDP, Aktuelles, Philipp Paukner |

IDP Video Bitstream Parser

The Chair of Data Processing (Department of Computer Engineering, CIT) offers an IDP in which a bitstream parser for encoded video is to be…

Master's Thesis, Aktuelles, Luca Sacchetto |

Masterarbeit: Können Generative Modelle 3D drucken ?

Generative Modelle wie Transformers [1] und Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) [2] sind in den letzten Jahren immer mehr ins Zentrum des…

Master's Thesis, Aktuelles, Bachelor's Thesis, Forschungspraxis, Luca Sacchetto |

Generative Design & Additive Manufacturing Workshop

Are You Interested in AI, Additive Manufacturing , Generative Design and its applications on an industrial level ? Your thesis is approaching ? Then…

Master's Thesis, Luca Sacchetto |

Forschungspraxis/Masterarbeit: Real-World Deep Reinforcement Learning for Drones

Das Forschungsfeld des Deep Reinforcement Learnings (DRL) hat sich in den letzten Jahren als sehr leistungsfähige Methodik gezeigt, um Agenten in…

Aktuelles, offen, Jobs, jobs_extern |

Werkstudent (w/m/div.) bei itk Engineering: Aufbau und Wartung eines autonomen Modellfahrzeugs

Stellenbeschreibung Sie wirken bei der Entwicklung und Wartung eines autonomen Modellkrans mit. Sie unterstützen beim Aufbau der…

Aktuelles, offen, CDTM, jobs_extern |

Doctoral position at the CDTM starting March/June 2020

The Center for Digital Technology and Management (CDTM) is a joint institution of the two universities LMU and TUM. CDTM offers the…

Aktuelles, Bachelor's Thesis, Ingenieurpraxis, Johannes Feldmaier |

Steuerung von SmartGrid fähigen Geräten mittels OpenHAB (bearbeitet)

Durch die zunehmende Durchdringung der Energienetze mit kleinen Privatkraftwerken und Solaranlagen auf Privathäusern, stellen sich nicht nur neue…

Master's Thesis, Aktuelles, Bachelor's Thesis, offen |

Sparse Bayesian Modelling

Someone gives you a stick and your task is to balance this stick upright with your flat hand, without holding the stick itself. For most humans this…

Master's Thesis, Martin Rothbucher |

Robotic Gaze Control using Reinforcement Learning

This thesis examines how adaptive control can learn to point a camera at the active speaker in a conversation. A motivating scenario for this problem…