
Foto von Stefan Sosnowski

Dr.-Ing. Stefan Sosnowski

Technische Universität München

Lehrstuhl für Informationstechnische Regelung (Prof. Hirche)


Barerstr. 21
80333 München

Short Biography

Stefan Sosnowski (*1981) is currently postdoc at the Institute for Information-oriented Control, Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany. From 2007 to 2013 he has been research assistant at the Institute for Information-oriented Control and the Institute of Automatic Control Engineering, TUM.

He received his PhD (Dr.-Ing.) with highest distinction from TUM in 2014.

He received the diploma engineer degree (Dipl.-Ing.) in Electrical Engineering in 2007 from the Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany. Stefan's diploma thesis was carried out at the Distributed Robotics Laboratory, MIT, Boston, USA, within the AMOUR (Autonomous Modular Optical Underwater Robot) project.

He received the bachelor of science degree (B.Sc.) in Electrical Engineering in 2005 from the Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany. Stefan's bachelor thesis was carried out at the Institute of Automatic Control Engineering, Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany. His thesis was on human-robot interaction, focusing on synthesizing and displaying emotions.

External theses

I am coordinating all external theses (Bachelor / Master) at ITR. See our external thesis info page for details about your application.

Publications ITR


  • P. Bevanda, M. Beier, A. Lederer, S. Sosnowski, E. Hüllermeier, S. Hirche: Koopman Kernel Regression. Proceedings of the 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023) (NeurIPS Proceedings), 2023 more… BibTeX


  • J. Brüdigam; M. Schuck; A. Capone; S. Sosnowski; S. Hirche: Structure-Preserving Learning Using Gaussian Processes and Variational Integrators. 4th Annual Conference on Learning for Dynamics and Control, 2022 more… BibTeX
  • P. Bevanda; J. Kirmayr; S. Sosnowski; S. Hirche: Learning the Koopman Eigendecomposition: A Diffeomorphic Approach. 2022 American Control Conference (ACC), IEEE, 2022 more… BibTeX
  • P. Bevanda; M. Beier; S. Kerz; A. Lederer; S. Sosnowski; S. Hirche: Diffeomorphically Learning Stable Koopman Operators. IEEE Control Systems Letters (L-CSS) 6, 2022, 3427 - 3432 more… BibTeX


  • J. Brüdigam, J. Janeva, S. Sosnowski, and S. Hirche: Linear-Time Contact and Friction Dynamics in Maximal Coordinates using Variational Integrators. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) (submitted), 2021 more… BibTeX
  • P. Bevanda; S. Sosnowski; S. Hirche: Koopman operator dynamical models: Learning, analysis and control. Annual Reviews in Control 52, 2021, 197-212 more… BibTeX
  • Z. Yang; S. Sosnowski; Q. Liu; J. Jiao; A. Lederer; S. Hirche: Distributed Learning Consensus Control for Unknown Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems based on Gaussian Processes. 60th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), IEEE, 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Zhou, Yuni; Kong, Lingxuan; Sosnowski, Stefan; Liu, Qingchen; Hirche, Sandra: Distributed Event- and Self-Triggered Coverage Control with Speed Constrained Unicycle Robots. 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), IEEE, 2021 more… BibTeX


  • Y. Ren; S. Sosnowski; S. Hirche: Fully distributed cooperation for networked uncertain mobile manipulators. IEEE Transactions on Robotics 36 (4), 2020, 984-1003 more… BibTeX


  • A.N. Vollmayr; S. Sosnowski; S. Hirche; J.L. van Hemmen: Snookie: an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle with Artificial Lateral Line System – 20. In: Bleckmann, Horst; Mogdans, Joachim; Coombs, Sheryl L. (Ed.): Flow Sensing in Air and Water. Springer Berlin Heidelberg (VIII. edn.), 2014, 521-562 more… BibTeX


  • Bannat, Alexander; Blume, Jürgen; Geiger, Jürgen T.; Rehrl, Tobias; Wallhoff, Frank; Mayer, Christoph; Radig, Bernd; Sosnowski, Stefan; Kühnlenz, Kolja: A Multimodal Human-Robot-Dialog Applying Emotional Feedbacks. In: Social Robotics. Springer Nature, 2010 more… BibTeX
  • Brscic, Drazen; Eggers, M.; Rohrmüller, Florian; Kourakos, Omiros; Sosnowski, Stefan; Althoff, Daniel; Lawitzky, Martin; Mörtl, Alexander; Rambow, Matthias; Koropouli, Vasiliki; Medina Hernández, Jose R.; Zang, Xuelian; Wang, Wei; Wollherr, Dirk; Kühnlenz, Kolja; Mayer, Christoph; Kruse, Thibault; Kirsch, A.; Blume, Jürgen; Bannat, Alexander; Rehrl, Tobias; Wallhoff; Frank; Lorenz, Tamara; Basili, Patrizia; Lenz, Claus; Röder, Thorsten; Panin, G.; Maier, W.; Hirche, Sandra; Buss, Martin; Beetz, Michael; Radig, Bernd; Schubö, Anna; Glasauer, Stefan; Knoll, Alois; Steinbach, Ekkehard: Multi Joint Action in CoTeSys - Setup and Challenges. 2010 more… BibTeX
  • J.-M.P. Franosch; S. Sosnowski; N. Kuhenuri Chami; K. Kühnlenz; S. Hirche; J. L. van Hemmen: Biomimetic Lateral-Line System for Underwater Vehicles. Abstracts of the 9th IEEE SENSORS CONFERENCE, 2010 more… BibTeX
  • Mayer, Christoph; Sosnowski, Stefan; Kuhnlenz, Kolja; Radig, Bernd: Towards robotic facial mimicry: System development and evaluation. 19th International Symposium in Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2010 more… BibTeX
  • S. Sosnowski; J.-M. P. Franosch; L. Zhang; Y. Nie; S. Hirche; J. L. van Hemmen: Simulation of the Underwater Vehicle “Snookie”: Navigating like a Fish. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Applied Bionics and Biomechanics (ICABB 2010) , 2010 more… BibTeX
  • Vasilescu, Iuliu; Detweiler, Carrick; Doniec, Marek; Gurdan, Daniel; Sosnowski, Stefan; Stumpf, Jan; Rus, Daniela: AMOUR V: A Hovering Energy Efficient Underwater Robot Capable of Dynamic Payloads. The International Journal of Robotics Research 29 (5), 2010, 547-570 more… BibTeX


  • Borutta, Isabell; Sosnowski, Stefan; Zehetleitner, Michael; Bischof, Norbert; Kuhnlenz, Kolja: Generating artificial smile variations based on a psychological system-theoretic approach. RO-MAN 2009 - The 18th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2009 more… BibTeX
  • Nora, Martiny; Sosnowski, Stefan; Kühnlenz, Kolja; Hirche, Sandra; Nie, Yimin; Franosch, Jan-Moritz Peter; van Hemmen, J. Leo: Design of a Lateral-Line Sensor for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. 8th IFAC International Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft, Elsevier BV, 2009 more… BibTeX

Publications LSR


  • Kühnlenz (Gonsior), Barbara; Sosnowski, Stefan; Buß, Malte; Wollherr, Dirk; Kühnlenz, Kolja; Buss, Martin: Increasing Helpfulness towards a Robot by Emotional Adaption to the User. International Journal of Social Robotics (IJSR) 5 (4), 2013, 457-476 more… BibTeX


  • Gonsior, Barbara; Buß, Malte; Sosnowski, Stefan; Wollherr, Dirk; Kühnlenz, Kolja; Buss, Martin: Towards Transferability of Theories on Prosocial Behavior from Social Psychology to HRI. Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts (ARSO), 2012 more… BibTeX
  • Gonsior, Barbara; Landsiedel, Christian; Mirnig, Nicole; Sosnowski, Stefan; Strasser, Ewald; Zlotowski, Jakub; Buss, Martin; Kühnlenz, Kolja; Tscheligi, Manfred; Weiss, Astrid; Wollherr, Dirk: Impacts of Multimodal Feedback on Efficiency of Proactive Information Retrieval from Task-Related HRI. Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Special Issue on Cognitive Infocommunications 16 (2), 2012, 313-326 more… BibTeX
  • Gonsior, Barbara; Sosnowski, Stefan; Buß, Malte; Wollherr, Dirk; Kühnlenz, Kolja: An Emotional Adaption Approach to increase Helpfulness towards a Robot. Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), IEEE, 2012 more… BibTeX
  • Mirnig, Nicole; Gonsior, Barbara; Sosnowski, Stefan; Landsiedel, Christian; Wollherr, Dirk; Weiss, Astrid; Tscheligi, Manfred: Feedback Guidelines for Multimodal Human-Robot Interaction: How Should a Robot Give Feedback When Asking for Directions? Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (Ro-Man), 2012 more… BibTeX


  • Buss, Martin; Carton, Daniel; Gonsior, Barbara; Kühnlenz, Kolja; Landsiedel, Christian; Mitsou, Nikos; Nijs, Roderick de; Złotowski, Jakub; Sosnowski, Stefan; Strasser, Ewald; Tscheligi, Manfred; Weiss, Astrid; Wollherr, Dirk: Towards Proactive Human-Robot Interaction in Human Environments. Proceedings of the International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications, 2011 more… BibTeX
  • Gonsior (Kühnlenz), Barbara; Sosnowski, Stefan; Mayer, Christoph; Blume, Jiirgen; Radig, Bernd; Wollherr, Dirk; Kühnlenz, Kolja: Improving Aspects of Empathy and Subjective Performance for HRI through Mirroring Facial Expressions. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 2011 more… BibTeX
  • Kohlbecher, Stefan; Bartl, Klaus; Blume, Jürgen; Bannat, Alexander; Sosnowski, Stefan; Kühnlenz, Kolja; Wallhoff, Frank; Rigoll, Gerhard; Schneider, Erich: A Test Environment for Studying the Human-Likeness of Robotic Eye Movements. In: Biologically Inspired Robotics. CRC Press, 2011 more… BibTeX


  • Bannat, Alexander; Blume, Jürgen; Geiger, Jürgen T.; Rehrl, Tobias; Wallhoff, Frank; Mayer, Christoph; Radig, Bernd; Sosnowski, Stefan; Kühnlenz, Kolja: A Multimodal Human-Robot-Dialog applying Emotional Feedbacks. Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR), 2010 more… BibTeX
  • Brscic, Drazen; Eggers, M.; Rohrmüller, Florian; Kourakos, Omiros; Sosnowski, Stefan; Althoff, Daniel; Lawitzky, Martin; Mörtl, Alexander; Rambow, Matthias; Koropouli, Vasiliki; Medina Hernández, Jose R.; Zang, Xuelian; Wang, Wei; Wollherr, Dirk; Kühnlenz, Kolja; Mayer, Christoph; Kruse, Thibault; Kirsch, A.; Blume, Jürgen; Bannat, Alexander; Rehrl, Tobias; Wallhoff; Frank; Lorenz, Tamara; Basili, Patrizia; Lenz, Claus; Röder, Thorsten; Panin, G.; Maier, W.; Hirche, Sandra; Buss, Martin; Beetz, Michael; Radig, Bernd; Schubö, Anna; Glasauer, Stefan; Knoll, Alois; Steinbach, Ekkehard: Multi Joint Action in CoTeSys - Setup and Challenges. 2010 more… BibTeX
  • Franosch, Jan-Moritz P.; Sosnowski, Stefan; Kuhenuri, Chami Nader; Kühnlenz, Kolja; Hirche, Sandra; van Hemmen, J. Leo: Biomimetic Lateral-Line System for Underwater Vehicles. Abstracts of the 9th IEEE SENSORS CONFERENCE 2010, 2010 more… BibTeX
  • Kühnlenz, Kolja; Sosnowski, Stefan; Buss, Martin: The Impact of Animal-like Features on Emotion Expression of Robot Head EDDIE. Advanced Robotics 24 (8-9), 2010 more… BibTeX
  • Mayer, Christoph; Sosnowski, Stefan; Kühnlenz, Kolja; Radig, Bernd: Towards Robotic Facial Mimicry: System Development and Evaluation. Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (Ro-Man 2010), 2010 more… BibTeX
  • Mühlbauer, Quirin; Xu, Tingting; Bauer, Andrea; Klasing, Klaas; Lidoris, Georgios; Rohrmüller, Florian; Sosnowski, Stefan; Kühnlenz, Kolja; Wollherr, Dirk; Buss, Martin: Wenn Roboter nach dem Weg fragen / Navigation by natural human-Robot Interaction. at - Automatisierungstechnik 58 (11), 2010, 647--656 more… BibTeX
  • Rehrl, Tobias; Bannat, Alexander; Gast, Jürgen; Wallhoff, Frank; Rigoll, Gerhard; Mayer, Christoph; Riaz, Zahid; Radig, Bernd; Sosnowski, Stefan; Kühnlenz, Kolja: Multiple Parallel Vision-based Recognition in a Real-Time Framework for Human-Robot-Interaction Scenarios. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI 2010), 2010 more… BibTeX
  • Sosnowski, Stefan; Franosch, Jan-Moritz P.; Zhang, L.; Nie, Y.; Hirche, Sandra; van Hemmen, J. Leo: Simulation of the Underwater Vehicle "Snookie": Navigating like a Fish. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Applied Bionics and Biomechanics (ICABB 2010), 2010 more… BibTeX
  • Sosnowski, Stefan; Mayer, Christoph; Kühnlenz, Kolja; Radig, Bernd: Mirror my emotions! Combining facial expression analysis and synthesis on a robot. Proceedings of the Thirty Sixth Annual Convention of the Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour (AISB�10), 2010 more… BibTeX


  • Bauer, Andrea; Klasing, Klaas; Lidoris, Georgios; Mühlbauer, Quirin; Rohrmüller, Florian; Sosnowski, Stefan; Xu, Tingting; Kühnlenz, Kolja; Wollherr, Dirk; Buss, Martin: The Autonomous City Explorer: Towards Natural Human-Robot Interaction in Urban Environments. International Journal of Social Robotics 1 (2), 2009, 127-140 more… BibTeX
  • Bauer, Andrea; Klasing, Klaas; Xu, Tingting; Sosnowski, Stefan; Lidoris, Georgios; Mühlbauer, Quirin; Zhang, Tianguang; Rohrmüller, Florian; Kühnlenz, Kolja; Wollherr, Dirk; Buss, Martin: The Autonomous City Explorer Project (Video). Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2009, 1595-1596 more… BibTeX
  • Borutta, Isabell; Sosnowski, Stefan; Kühnlenz, Kolja; Zehetleitner, Michael; Bischof, Norbert: Generating Artificial Smile Variations Based on a Psychological System-Theoretic Approach. Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (Ro-Man), 2009 more… BibTeX
  • Martiny, Nora; Sosnowski, Stefan; Kühnlenz, Kolja; Hirche, Sandra; Nie, Yimin; Franosch, Jan-Moritz P.; Hemmen, J. Leo van: Design of a Lateral-Line Sensor for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. Proceedings of the 8th IFAC International Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft, 2009 more… BibTeX
  • Mühlbauer, Quirin; Sosnowski, Stefan; Xu, Tingting; Zhang, Tianguang; Kühnlenz, Kolja; Buss, Martin: Navigation through Urban Environments by Visual Perception and Interaction. Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2009 more… BibTeX


  • Karg, M.; Sosnowski, S.; Kühnlenz, K.; Buss, M.; Wendt, C.; Popp, M.; Färber, B.: Human Emotion Model using Markov Chains. Proceedings of The 1st Annual Workshop of CoTeSys, (Cognition for Technical Systems), 2008 more… BibTeX
  • Mühlbauer, Q.; Sosnowski, S.; Xu, T.; Zhang, T.; Kühnlenz, K.; Buss, M.: The Autonomous City Explorer Project: Towards Navigation by Interaction and Visual Perception. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Cognition for Technical Systems, 2008 more… BibTeX
  • Xu, T.; Mühlbauer, Q.; Sosnowski, S.; Kühnlenz, K.; Buss, M.: Looking at the Surprise: Bottom-Up Attentional Control of an Active Camera System. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, 2008 more… BibTeX


  • Sosnowski, S.; Kühnlenz, K.; Buss, M.: EDDIE - An Emotion-Display with Dynamic Intuitive Expressions. Proc. of the IEEE Int. Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2006), 2006 more… BibTeX

Erdös number

Apparently, I have an Erdös number of 4:

Erdös -> Noga Alon -> Erik Demain -> Daniela Rus -> me