Ljubica Kärkkäinen

E-mail: kaerkkal[AT]in.tum.de
Phone: +49 89 289-17342
Office: 01.05.036
Address: TUM Department of Informatics

Chair of Connected Mobility (I11) 

Boltzmannstr. 3 85748 Garching 


Ljubica (Pajević) Kärkkäinen is a post-doctoral researcher at the Chair of Connected Mobility of the Technical University of Munich. She received her PhD degree in electrical engineering from KTH, Royal Institute of Technology at the Network and Systems Engineering Department.

Her current research interests revolve around mobility of users in connected systems, specifically: analysis, modeling and simulation of (vehicular) mobility, and building tools, mathematical and software, to this end.

Publication list on Google Scholar.


Virtual Mobility World


Summer Term 2020
Winter Term 2019/2020
  • Connected Mobility Basics